202 (35) rear wheel bearings


Well-known Member
So I have been getting this "thump" noise with every rotation of the rear tire, sometimes a "thump thump". The noise got quieter (but did not go away completely) when I removed the backhoe (less weight) so I'm assuming it's the outer bearing. I have removed the axle and can not really see the bearing enough to determine if it is shot or not...........I'm 99% sure that it is shot. What I'm wondering is if you have to drill and take a cold chisel to the bearing retaining collar as stated in the non-MF manual that I have or if a machine shop could pull or press it. If I do drill and split it, I'll likely have to take it to a machine shop to get the new collar pressed on anyway so maybe it's best just to have them do the whole thing.
What are your experiences with these?
My friend took the axle of my TO35 to replace the seal and while the book says to split the retaining collar etc., my friend said he pressed it off (I think he said with a 20 ton press) so did not destroy it and was able to use it again after he replaced the seal.
Just looked around at parts, the collar is available from this site and it's under $20 so I think I'll just go ahead and order everything then bring it to the machine shop.
i got my from the cat dealer , about the same price i think .
on my 202 i pressed the new lock on , opps one wheel fell of at my buddies camp in the woods . i got the next one all most off .
was told that they should be heat shrink on .

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