202 Industrial - Knocking when clutch released


Well-known Member
As the title says, when I release the clutch it makes a loud banging noise which sounds like something rotating loose and hitting the side of the casing. Can hear a slight knock knock knock but when I let it idle down it will make a big BANG every few revolutions which I can feel down by my feet. It happens if the transmission is in neutral or any other gear. I also tried putting the high/low selector in neutral.
So I took the backhoe off and limped her into the shop (carefully!) and hoped I wouldn't see something come through the side of the casing. It's in there, now what? Any ideas? I'm going to remove the side covers to have a look but I could use some hints.
The sound you're describing oftentimes results from the hydraulic pressure relief valve bypassing/cycling. If you have a 3pt. hitch, one of the lift levers could be in "constant pumping" position. This is a very common cause of this symptom and many of us shop mechanics have made service calls, only to find this as the problem. If you have a 3pt., lower each lever some, one at a time and see if the noise stops. If so, you've found your problem and you'll know how to prevent it from now on. If you don't have a 3pt., I'm guessing that something in the system is in the wrong position or malfunctioning and causing the pressure relief valve to bypass. This can also cause the fluid to overheat.
Found it..........I'll post pics when I get the gear oil off my hands..........the pump she is broken...........real bad!
So there you have it........not a salvageable piece on it!

Now technically I don't need it right now, so I could probably run it without the pump or even the drive shaft in place. Is this correct?

Well at least it didn't put a hole through the side of the casing, that could be worse.
I can run it without right? I don't need the 3pt right now as it has a backhoe. That's something I can look at replacing sometime later.
(quoted from post at 19:02:45 07/26/10) The sound you're describing oftentimes results from the hydraulic pressure relief valve bypassing/cycling. If you have a 3pt. hitch, one of the lift levers could be in "constant pumping" position. This is a very common cause of this symptom and many of us shop mechanics have made service calls, only to find this as the problem. If you have a 3pt., lower each lever some, one at a time and see if the noise stops. If so, you've found your problem and you'll know how to prevent it from now on. If you don't have a 3pt., I'm guessing that something in the system is in the wrong position or malfunctioning and causing the pressure relief valve to bypass. This can also cause the fluid to overheat.

Just curious, could that have caused the damage I'm seeing here? If not, what might have caused this? I'm guessing that even though the 3pt has never been used just the fact that it's always turning when the clutch is engaged is wearing it out.
"I can run it without right?"

If your backhoe is powered by a different pump and everything else works OK without it, I don't see why not.
Well I'm going to go for it, if for some reason it does not work as planned I will be sure and post it here. Yes, the backhoe and FEL run off a pump on the front of the engine.
Got it all cleaned up tonight and I'll start re-assembly in the next couple days. Have to make some gaskets etc.

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