1958 massey 35 worth $650?


New User
Hello folks nice forum

I was at work yesterday and my father called me. I guess his boss has a 58 Massey that he wants to sell for $650. I havent seen it yet . From what im told it is missing its rear fenders and needs a ignition switch (new switch included and will be installed) What should I check for when I go see it? Iguess its been parked for a while?

Im just looking for somthing to plow my drive ways and pull some stumps.
Does $650 sound like a good price?
$650? Sounds good. Pulling stumps with a small tractor? Not so good. Way too many people killed doing just that. Be VERY careful!
I told the fellow I would take it. pending inspection.

And not to worry on the stump pulling. The tractor would be used more for pulling the stumps out after i cut the roots out. Ive done this type of work before at my fathers place .

So are there any common things i should be checking on this tractor. Im told it has sat for a few months?
If it has not been clear... even if it does not run this is a great deal. Even if the engine is trashed with piston rods sticking through the block this is a great deal. '58 TO-35 normally go for $2500+

For the info you are looking for there are good articles on tractor buying and inspecting under research and info (articles) look at the menus to the left side of the screen.


If you do not want this tractor e-mail me and let me know.

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