2 cylinder flywheel question


I am putting together my model A and was attempting to tighten down my flywheel after getting end play tonight. Realizing I need a flywheel wrench to tighten them down.. I was able to get them pretty snug with about a 12-14" open end wrench and my flywheel is still a loose fit on my crank. I really hope I don't need a new crank or flywheel but just looking for some peace of mind while i wait on my wrench that I ordered. I don't have a lot of experience with how tight these bolts need to be before the flywheel isn't loose anymore
I have tightened the bolts with a combination of universals and extensions before I came across flywheel wrenchs and it worked fine. Just make sure
that you clean the bolts and nuts up.
The recommended flywheel bolt torque for an A is the same as was in the 60 manual, 275 ft-lbs. That is very close to the standard torque recommendation
for a 3/4'' Grade 5 bolt.
Flywheel wrench and a 30 JD wheel wrench to turn it. Put all you got into it and hope it is enough. We usually use a bar against the frame to push down on with the
wheel wrench so the flywheel doesn't turn while tightening it.

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