4440 pulling a drill

Running H

New User
My wife and I just had a little girl and are starting a cow-calf operation
to raise her on in lamb county Texas (very flat). We have a 4440 2wd
single wheel with suitcase weights. Power shift.

Looking to buy a drill that can handle grass seed and small grain
(wheat mainly). Always raised cows in East Texas where we don?t do
much farming. Looking for advice on how big the 4440 can pull and
what type of drill to buy. I think I would like no till but open to options.
Any advice is appreciated.

I've got no 1st hand experience no till drills but when finances allow I intend on purchasing a 15' JD 750 drill to pull behind our 4020.

Considering a 4440 must have at least a ton on a 4020, like Jim mentioned handling a 15' to 20' drill shouldn't be a problem. Even in some decent hills I would think?

Depends upon how many acres you are doing and what kind of ground you have. We pull a 750 with a 4430. In our hilly ground I wouldn't want anything much lighter pulling it when it is full.

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