Feed mulcher for a manure prepare'er


Well-known Member
This message is a reply to an archived post by dwragon on March 08, 2022 at 03:41:15.
The original subject was Feed mulcher for a manure prepareer.

Even a good manure spreader will have trouble breaking up hard packed sheep manure. Remember where sheep foot packers got their name? Would it work to compost the manure for a year or until it is powdery or a fine granuals?
Why not load smaller buckets with the loader to help with breaking it up as it is loaded Smaller pieces would go out better and if hand loading it would not be a problem as it would already be broken up.
We use a 3pt spring tooth harrow to rip up the pen pack. It still has some chunks but is a little more shredded than not. Our spreader only has one beater. A top beater would probably work even better.

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