Calling all 801 diesel gurus


This message is a reply to an archived post by Ultradog MN on February 22, 2016 at 08:05:02.
The original subject was Re: Calling all 801 diesel gurus.

Greetings - this was a great thread to come across so thank you for starting and participating. I have read through much of your engagement while searching for experience with the Ford 172 Diesel engine and I am sorry to commandeer this thread, but

This engine starts just barely past the fuel cutoff position on the throttle. Maybe even at that click past lowest throttle to shutoff. Any more advanced than that starting position results in 2100+ RPM. I will replace filter, blow out lines, and re-prime by procedure.

-loaded with 17 gallons of at least year-old diesel. Pretty green/amber in color (which I thought was good diesel?)
-fuel filter looks like it hasnt been changed for many revolutions around the sun
-she runs pretty rich
-pump was rebuilt 800 hours

Any thoughts, other than encouragement to get my rear in action and report back on whether a fuel filter and cleaning lines solved the problem?

Thank you for your time, I am grateful for the education you all offer on the matter!
Green/ amber is road diesel. If oem filter base use Wix 33165. Sounds like a deere I had in shop while back. Had pump redone, lots of rust inside. It ran almost same way.

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