3 point disc


Well-known Member
Good evening all,

I've been driving past this old 3 point disc for over and year now and see the fellow trying to sell it most weekends at church. When I spoke to him about it in the past, he indicated he thought it was a Ford disc. Total width of 10', discs are probably 12"-14".




My wife and I are planning on a bigger garden next year. I suppose this would work well following a plow for soil prep. I may at some point in the future wish to overseed a pasture with clover. It would seem this may work well for prep there also.

He is asking $150, but it ain't going anywhere. I know it's value is different for each person but I would be curious to read a few comments on the use and possilbe price for this old disc. It appears to be straight and relatively tight.

My apologies to those on dial up, including myself, photos can test one's patience.


Can't argue about the price - $150 is practically nothing for a disc. What I would be concerned about however is if its heavy enough to work. Probably would do fine for the just ploughed up garden but I do not believe you would be happy with it trying to loosen up the soil in your pasture. Also, a single gang disk like that will move soil sideways and leave a high ridge at the edges and a low valley in the middle. A tandem disc will move that soil back for you.

Bottom line is I think you would be happier trying to find a tandem disc that you could add weight to (if needed) to make it cut good.
Thanks OH Boy,

We've got pretty heavy soils here, so I didn't figure it would cut/move anything in the pasture. I thought it might just scuff the grass/weeds under each disk and give the clover seed a better chance? Grew up out here, but never really farmed, justed raised some stock to keep my brother and I out of trouble and help us learn how to work.

"a single gang disk like that will move soil sideways and leave a high ridge at the edges and a low valley in the middle. A tandem disc will move that soil back for you."

now don't talk him out of more quality time with his tractor... he simply needs to go over the plot the opposite direction the second time around, then a few more passes to correct some more high spots, pretty soon he's been out there 2 days ;)

-karl f

I agree that a tandem disc is better but this is a lot better than no disc. Keep adding rocks, engine blocks or manhole covers to it till the front end of your tractor gets light lifting it. It will cut a heck of a lot.
The thing to check on these old discs is the bearings. Bring an 8' 2x4 and lift the frame up off the axles and see how much up and down slop there is in the bearings. The bearings for most of those old 7/8" square shaft axles are NLA. Also check for any sideplay in the discs themselves - indicative of crushed/worn out spools.
If there was 3/16" or less of up and down in the bearings and zero side play in the disc wheels I would give $150 for that disc tomorrow.
Post back.
We like this old junk.
Thanks Jerry,

I always enjoy reading your posts and value your input immensely. I will let you know what I find. It's less than a mile from home, I may just run the tractor down to lift it and check the bearing, etc.


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