Exhaust Lift

I have heard and read about an exhaust lift being offered as an option but have never actually seen one in person. My question is, how did it work ? and did it work well? My impression is that it was only offered on the smaller Farmals, is this correct....
The exhaust lift works by diverting exhaust from the manifold to a large pneumatic cylinder mounted on the left side of the tractor. AFIK it was only offered on the the "A" series tractors - A, AV, B, etc.

The exhaust lift was not one of IHC's best ideas. The fact they are rarely seen today - and to find one actually working is even more rare - speaks to the robustness of its design. (The later hydraulic lift worked MUCH better...)

When properly maintained/adjusted the exhaust lift did work. However it was fussy to keep working properly - there's a bunch of fittings and valves that must be absolutely exhaust-tight for it to work right.

I've only ever seen one operating - on an A at a plow day several years ago. The unfortunate owner spent more time on the ground messing with the balky lift than he did actually plowing.

Punch the link for a short video of an exhaust lift in operation.
exhaust lift
Pretty cool actually ! Thanks for the link... I wouldn t have thought there would be enough pressure to work at all, and the corrosive nature of the exhaust must of been a problem. I remember my dad using a tapped port on the H intake manifold once for milking when the power was out. I was too young to remember how or if that worked very well either ! lol
The corrosiveness (also the high temperature...) of exhaust gases were problems that indeed doomed the exhaust lift.

However pressure was not. Even an idling engine can develop a surprising amount of pressure so long as the manifold, etc. is tight.


I too vaguely remember milking with vacuum tapped from a Farmall M intake manifold. Volume was much less than from a Surge pump, but still better than nothing.
My dad had an "A" with an exhaust lift with a full set of cultivators. I also remember seeing it operate with a two disk plow. He did not have fond things to say about the lift although it work fine for a while. He only kept the tractor for about two years then traded for a used "C".
We had an A when I was a kid that had an exhaust lift and it worked quite well. They are subject to the exhaust part going bad with age. Any tactor with the lift still working today has probably been rebuilt at least once. Probably not a lot of owners that need one to work anyway.
My father in law has a couple of them set up. He used one as a kid on his B cultivating and is restoring that tractor and putting it back on that one. He has an A with it on too and is in working condition. He did say that when he used it a lot they would have to do a valve job on the head every couple years, he used it a lot, did custom work with it.
My dad had one on a B that he had in the late 40's. Too new to have any problems. It worked fine. Actually it gave that B the equivalent of live hydraulics.
Our B had the exhaust lift on it until 1956 when dad put the live hydralic pump in it and built a loader for it.
That was vacuum for the milker. Thats why they put it in there so you could milk when the power was off they worked well.
Ive been around those systems since 1947 and now use three of them two on cults and one on the B-187 two way plow. Their biggest downfall was setting outside in the weather with rain geting into the manifold. Ours on the B with cult was used on many many acres i made so e good money doing custom cultivating during hischool for neighbors who didnt like to cultivate. I still have a few parts snd they do send me parts of the systems to rebuild. I have sent stuff all over but when my supply is gone its gone. Only part needed everyyear was the rubber wahser that is the check valve that hold the implement up. Couple grease fittings and they just worked. They put out around 22lbs pressure on the cycl which was mounted all over the tractor depending on what implement was being used. Every attachment they had for the A and B series could use the system. I enjoy showing them but there is always someone who said theirs didnt work like anything you use there is a proper way and some simple checking to make sure the device is able to do what it was designed for.
Yes, it sure was vacuum , the tap was into the intake , not the exhaust . I only remember the old H sitting next to the milkhouse and running while milking. I was maybe 5 or 6 and can only vaguely recall it now. lol
I just bought a farmall B to restore. It had an exhaust lift on it at one time but im missing two key parts. I need the pot for the manifold and the Valve on the right side of the engine. If anyone knows where I could find those two parts i think I could bring the lift back to life.
(quoted from post at 05:36:41 05/03/12) From what I've heard, they raised slowly, and dropped like a stone.

I have a 47 B with a exhaust lift on the left side near the front. I use it regularly with cults for my garden but lately it has been lifting slowly. My dad replaced the leathers in the canister about 25 years ago so I am not sure if it is leaking again. I have been trying to find diagram before I get into it. Any suggestions about where I can find one or ideas on the causes of my problem?
I have a manual but nothing in it about the lift.
If you haven't done any maintenance on the pressure valve (on top of the manifold), start there. Open it up, clean the rust out, make sure the flapper and the surface it closes against are both flat. Oil it up. As I recall, the IH manual said to use kerosene.
(quoted from post at 19:31:42 03/26/13) If you haven't done any maintenance on the pressure valve (on top of the manifold), start there. Open it up, clean the rust out, make sure the flapper and the surface it closes against are both flat. Oil it up. As I recall, the IH manual said to use kerosene.
Thanks so much for the suggestion! I will try to clean things up this weekend.
I have the adjustment/use instructions and the parts break down in my manuals. I'll see if I can post them this afternoon. I just printed them off for my Dad so he can work on his A with the pneumatic lift.

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