sulfer in diesel fuel

tom calloway

New User
is there any reason to worry about low sulfer also somebody told me once they liked running winter mix year round, any advantages or disavantages. he said he liked the addative, thought it benifitial
i have heard you can run 50:1 outboard 2 cycle oil in the diesel fuel to keep the old style injector pumps lubed.
My mechanic friend turned me on to Schaeffers' Diesel Treat. Said it protects older fuel systems that were designed for higher sulfur fuels. Helps improve fuel efficiency a little too.

Winter blend has a lower flash point for easiier starting in the cold other than that I don't know what would be beneficial.

Many people add diesel conditioner year round. Not all conditioners are the same so check before buying. They are generally to add some lubrication and deal with small amounts of moisture. The labels promise all kinds of wonderful things!

I have heard of people adding a bit of ATF to a full tank of fuel as well however I have always used conditioner instead.

There is no substitute for clean fuel and regular filter changes however my father always added conditioner to his equipment and now so do I. I have an old IH 454 diesel that some say can develop a fuel leak from the pump front seal attributed to the new low sulfur fuel. Who knows but I feel better knowing that I use a good conditioner.

If you really want to spark a controversy, ask about the best conditioners on the diesel forum!!
I dunno,

#1 diesel is pretty darned hot for heavy work. I'd sure stay away from it unless it's really cold out.

"Conditioners" are nothing but a marketing ploy. Ya just flat don't need snake oil.

The reason to worry about the new "ultra low" sulfur fuel, which became mandatory in 2006, Is that the process that removes the sulfur from the fuel also removes much of the lubrication quality from the fuel. Remember when diesel Fuel (or fuel oil) actually felt like oil? Now it feels more like gasoline or kerosene on your hands. I emptied a home heating oil barrel in my basement 2 years ago, and it still had about 15 gallons of old fuel in it. It was a reminder of how the fuel was pre 2006. That went straight into the tank of the 806.

Anyway, I buy most of my fuel at the local farm bureau co-op. They claim to be running condtioner year round in their fuel. All I know is that their fuel starts my pickup the best. It dosen't get the best fuel economy on that fuel, but it starts best. Haven't been able to compare fuel in my tractors. I get off road Diesel from them, too. It is claimed that running as little as 2% or 5% bio-diesel gives all the lubrication qualities of the fuel back and then some. One of the local truck stops only sells I think B-20 year round, and I have burned that in the pickup, it burns that just fine. I've not expirenced any of the problems ( or horror stories) that people talk about in relation to bio-diesel.

Winter blend year round seems a little silly, in the summer you don't need that extra cetane number to start easy, and you give up BTU's to get it. Winter blend is a mix of #1 and #2 fuels. #1 is lighter, higher cetane number, but contains less btu's per gallon than #2. But, if that is what your friend likes to burn, more power to him.
Allan's got it right.

Adding oddball stuff into the diesel like ATF or used motor oil or marvel mystery oil... It's all old wives' tales.

There is absolutely NO PROOF that it does any good.

Any low sulfur diesel you buy will have additives in it from the fuel distributor to restore its "lubricity."

Most people run NOTHING in their diesel fuel. You would expect that if the low sulfur diesel was a problem, you'd hear LOTS of complaining. Any time a diesel engine had a problem, you KNOW that the farmer would blame it on the low sulfur diesel...
Schaeffers sponsors a lot of tractor pulling events so they are a good company. But the product they make I wouldn't use it for nothing. Junk. Old additive technology.
Zmax has the naming rights to a drag strip. It has been proven time and again that their product is a fraud.

For those who live with a bag over their head, Zmax is an engine additive that is advertised as a "cure all" that's supposed to clean injectors, remove carbon deposits, soak into the metal, improve gas mileage, eliminate engine wear, heal compound leg fractures, cure cancer, and bring you your slippers in the evening.

Even though it's been proven that their product does not work as advertised, they continue to advertise on TV, sponsor TV shows, and hold the naming rights to that drag strip. None of that's cheap, so they clearly must be making money.

Just because you sponsor something doesn't make you a good company.

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