Farmall F12 part

Greetings. Help. I need the part that fits on to the bottom of the oil pump between the pump itself and the strainer. I BROKE MINE. I'm trying to attach some pics of the part. So if any body has one they would like to sell please email me. I can probably weld it but I think thats a bit chancy in the bottom of the engine where I can't check on it. MTF Mike

My parts book shows something called the Oil Pump Screen Elbow (5320DA). It was used for serial numbers FS 124000 to FS 152459. That would make your tractor an F-14, or an F-12 with an F-14 engine in it. An F-12 oil pump in different.

Don't feel bad. I did the same thing with an engine myself. Live and learn I guess. I thought that might have been what happened.
If you can't find one, I wouldn't be afraid to braze it. You might be able to fit a thin tube inside to keep it lined up.

Hi. Thats amazing. I've held varios welding torches and all the etc's for a lifetime and never heard of "Lumiweld" I just looked it up. Thanks. I do have an offer of the part that I need but I do think I shall add Lumiweld to my armoury. Thanks again

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