Super A Touch Control Hydraulics


Well-known Member
The only major component left attached to the Super A right now is the touch control unit.

I've been sort of ignoring it for a while. Looks like a whole lotta screws holding it together, and I imagine it's full of a whole lotta springs and ball bearings and seals, etc.

The hydraulics DO work on the tractor, but they're not 100%. They're not exactly smooth. And there's obviously fluid leaking from somewhere "inside" where the rockshafts attach.

I'm toying with the idea of re-building the unit with the 4H kids... but I'm afraid that one little "oops" and I'll be living without hydraulics.

(My super A won't be so super any more)

I found a gasket/seal rebuild kit, and was thinking about ordering it - it aint cheap.

Anybody have any experience with these? Should I just leave well enough alone? As I said, it does work - just not perfectly... And I could live with a minor leak or two...

Would like to hear other's experiences here. Is it brain surgery? or is it simply take stuff out and put it back where you found it?

I picture removing the cover and watching ballbearings and springs go flying everywhere.

Is there any kind of service manual specifically geared towards rebuilding one of these things?

And advice would be appreciated.
Here's the parts breakdown on the Touch control.
You would need to take a lot of pictures and make notes. Hal
Appreciate that - but just realized I already have that in the IT "shop manual".

Was wondering if there were any manuals that went into more detail than what's in that one.

Or perhaps I'm making more of it than I should, and that's detail enough.

I guess what I'm really wondering is - are there any "adjustments" inside that need to be set - or is it all just pull apart, and put back together. Or are there any "gotchas" that might screw me up wihtout havin prior knowledge?

And finally - they talk about a pressure guage, but I can't find any on line. Can anybody recommend an equivelant for checking pressure? I hate to mess around with such high pressure using the wrong device - assume you need something that is capable of handling fast changes in pressure.
The Parts Catalog gives a better layout picture of where internal parts go.

I have the parts catalog for the SC not sure if it is the same as the A as for the touch control unit.
You may find the trouble with the hydraulics also to be in the pump itself. Usually a seal kit for the pump takes care of most of the problems. The leakage in the touch control unit is probably the o-ring on the control spool. You don't have to disassemble the entire thing to replace it. Took care of mine several years ago with no problems. Good luck
I did rebuild the pump already, and that seems to be working ok (though I have no way to measure the actual pressure, or know if it IS working ok...)

The problem is when I'm lifting say a plow - it sort of "skips" when I move the lever forward - It'll go up half way, then I have to sort of go back and try again, then it'll go.

There's a leak somwhere where the two cylinders come out of the body of the control unit (sort of tucked underneath and hidden).

It's a total mess under there. I can't really see in well enough to determine what's going on -but something's obviously been leaking for some time. It's got that nice inch thick layer of fuzzy oil mud built up all over everything.
Thanks - I've got a pretty good copy of this image in the IT service manual.

They just don't go into a lot of detail in the text on rebuilding one of these things.

I may just do it more as a learning experience than anything else. If I can manage to stop the leak, then that's icing on the cake. I hate to restore this whole tractor and have to keep wiping hydraulic fluid off, no matter how slow the leak may be.

Very likely I'll be back here begging for help when I lose some parts!

Thanks again
It is pretty much take apart and put together. One unusual tool is needed to remove one piece and there are lots of parts and o-rings. Go slow and you shouldn't have any real problems,make sure and get it really clean because dirt and trash is what causes the problems (usually worn o-rings). There is lots of information in the archives, and it helps you avoid pitfalls.
THANKS! A picure's worth a thousand words.

That looks a lot less intimidating than the diagram.
Thanks, that cleared up a few things for me. Now I know my parts manual for SC hydraulics will work on an A & SA.
I did mine about a year back. About halfway thru the process, a family member got sick, so the project was put aside. DONT DO THAT !!! Start it, and finish it !

I also replaced all orings , except one - the one that goes behind the plug you have to hand-make a tool for. All of the old orings were hard and flat on their working edges.

So, now I have no leaks, but I have to run the engine at almost max throttle to pick up heavier implements , because --- you guessed it -- the one o-ring I didn"t change allows the pressure to bypass !

I"ll take it down again one day
Very interesting approach on the covers! I was wonder what the chances were of CASEIH stocking them, mine are completely gone.
A nice find - an online copy of the hydraulics service manual!

So glad people take the time to do this stuff.

(I've often wondered about old manuals and copyright laws... but I'm not going to ask too many questions)
Touch Control Manual

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