Got some dirt turned today (pics)

Finished class early today and took the hour and half trip home. Hoped on the SM and got to work. Not my first try at plowing but my first successfulish attempt. Then i had some problems with the SM was sucking to much oil up in the air intake. so i took some out then it stopped getting gas. I think theres some rust in the tank so im gonna clean it out tomorrow or saturday. Also pics of the corn planter I'm building. After looking around Dad thinks i spent to much so he gave me his push planter and one my uncle had and said good luck. So thats a project in the works too. P.S. Got Kole in there for ya Gordo.









Ive got a 2 acre garden and Ive got half of it planted with cold weather plants,I need to plow the other half when it dries up.I took my F12 out to the garden last night so I can try my 1 bottom plow out for the first time.I usally plow with my TO 30 ferguson.

Well, you HOPED the tractor would run when you got on it, right?

Is that an optical illusion or are both moldboards broken? That's a phenomenal job of getting the sod turned over especially if you're working with broken moldboards.
Better redo your planter the units need to float seperate they cannot be fastened together one will be deep and the other shallow. All planters let the row units float seperate.
Neat pictures, but you might ought to get new moldboards; they can't do a good job like that.

As to the sucking oil, using light oil will cause it to do that. Make sure you are using the same oil has in the crankcase, hopefully SAE 30.

About the fuel problem, you need to make sure there is fuel to the carburetor. If not, you may have rust in the tank. If there is fuel at the carb, you should take it off and clean it real good (easy to do) and make sure the main jet is not clogged.
Good luck (and nice pics) SF
I got the fuel problem fixed. Has some stuff clogging the sediment bowl. Took it all off cleaned it good. flushed the tank and got it put back together. I'm not sure about the mold boards. They worked good. Or at least i think. I'll look and see what the are suppose to look like. And i had SAE 30 in it but it was a rough ride and it was a little full. Thanks all-Keith
Might be why it's a little slabby dirt is not
rolling over at the top of the moldboards.
That will tough to disk.
I see what you guys mean. I actually had been wondering why it wasn't turning great but it was my first time ever plowing and i thought i had messed up. I now see what you guys mean. I'll have to get them fixed. I have some plate steal i might try and fix them with out buying new ones. Yes ridicule me cause i like to save a buck.
I see what you guys mean. I actually had been wondering why it wasn't turning great but it was my first time ever plowing and i thought i had messed up. I now see what you guys mean. I'll have to get them fixed. I have some plate steal i might try and fix them with out buying new ones. Yes ridicule me cause i like to save a buck.
No ridicule just observations and advice. However, my dad would have kicked my backside for plowing that slabby!
Unfortunately, you can't just go out and buy new ones. Nobody makes replacement moldboards for that plow.

A small company made replacement parts a few years ago, but IIRC, they wanted $250 per moldboard... and that was BEFORE steel and everything went sky-high! I can only imagine what they'd be asking for them now.

Good indication of something being wrong should have been the jagged edge of the moldboard... :)

Maybe you can fix yours, but best to simply look for another plow with better iron. They're out there.

I'm still amazed that that busted-up old plow is doing as good a job as it is, especially on sod. You see a lot of videos on youtube where people using perfectly good plows rut through the ground and make a total mess!

"I ARE PLOWING!" They seriously think they're doing something useful.
Haha mine already has said "if it looks like hell you better be out there with a shovel to fix it." So thanks for the advice. Like i said I'm still new to this. I'll take all the advice i can get.

It is going to take A LOT of work to make that a usable garden this year. That sod is going to play hell on that little planter setup, even if you run an entire tank of gas through that M pulling the disk over it.
Gotta love spring plowing even if the job isn't too pretty. Its nice to listen to the tractor work and smell the fresh dirt. Not to mention the wonderful sight of a springer spaniel bouncin about. Love the dog.
In my world no one does pretty job turning sod your bottom 2 pictures look almost good as it gets. Let it season for a few days and a GOOD disk will work it down in 2 to 4 passes. A lot of people pull worn out disks and as the late Hugh used to say they might as well have a land roller.

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