Theft of antique Farmall parts

WARNING: Thieves & robbers are active in SW Michigan. I had approximately 9500#s of loose parts & equipment stolen from 3 of my farm buildings on 2/10/11.
Brief summary of most recognizable parts stolen are:

1. 16 150 pount IH rear whell weights
2. 8 rear cast wheels from SM, SH & 300
3. 2 cast rearend/trans housings w/gears H&300
4. 2 rear axel housings with axel
5. 2 SMTA lower bolsters
6. 6 Framall H?M drawbar Drings new bolts
7. 2 Loaders freeman for IH ACWD45
8. 1 Scraper blade assembly for pivoting
9. 3 loader buckets 42" for manure loaders
10. Approx 30 other types of parts & assemblies.

Total weight of stolen items is approx. 9945#s with a replacement cost of approx. $9175.

My farm policy is baulking at making any restitution payments.

It may be wise to check your insurance coverage & guard your spare parts.

I visited all 12 salvage yards within 60 miles & learned they are paying up to $350 per 2000# ton in this area.

sorry about your lost. check craiglist for the parts or also scrap yards in Delta Ohio( M&k, Ohio Scrap). I live in NW Ohio so I will be on the look out for you. Good Luck

Unfortunately that is just a sign of the times. Everybody wants a hand-out. They want something for nothing. Nobody wants to work for anything anymore.

Now that I got that off my chest, I hope that the Police are working to find the guys. I know that in some jurisdictions they keep an eye on salvage yards/metal thefts.
I agree that many do not want to work for a living but I have been around for almost 75 yrars and this kind of thing has been going on as far back as I can remrmber. Back 60/70 years ago people would steal chickens, corn, meat out od smoke house and the like because their family was hungry and looks to me like that may be coming back around.
With all that stuff I would say they knew it was there before they actually came and got it. Maybe a neighbor or distanf friend(?) was involved.
Len is right. They were obviously familiar with what was there, and when you would not be around, as that is not something would just happen by and throw into a pickup. They are either very close by, or had been in your buildings, possibly while you were there. Either way it likely took some planning to get in and load up. And sounds like more than one person was involved, and perhaps a tractor and loader to help get it on their trailer(s). But you probably already know all that. Hope you are sucessful in catching them, and recovering your items.
(quoted from post at 20:40:53 02/19/11) Len is right. They were obviously familiar with what was there, and when you would not be around, as that is not something would just happen by and throw into a pickup. They are either very close by, or had been in your buildings, possibly while you were there. Either way it likely took some planning to get in and load up. And sounds like more than one person was involved, and perhaps a tractor and loader to help get it on their trailer(s). But you probably already know all that. Hope you are sucessful in catching them, and recovering your items.

I agree as well. I think I would call the local scrap yards as well. At least you could buy your stuff back for less than face value if you find it. Scrap yards around here make you show ID for high value items as well so they may know who brought them in.
Thieves are everywhere. My uncle just up the road (who never throws anything away) had 25 old batteries, rims ect stolen. Most of the stuff they took was heavy for scrap. It was on stone walls and in the woods behind buildings ect. Most people would of called what was stolen junk, but not Uncle Raymond. He sat in his barn for 3 nights and they ended up with a 12 gauge pointed at them and laying face down in the mud for 20 minutes until the cops came. They were "visiting" local farms and stealing scrap metal thinking no one would notice it

Times are tough and many folks have no morales. They got some stuff from our place too, but I do not keep track of scrap pieces that have been in the woods or stone wall for 50 years. Sad fact is though is that if they would have asked I would have helped them load it. If someone is willing to WORK hauling scrap to feed their kids I usially give the stuff away

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