Lift-All cylinder for HM cultivators


New User
I'm in the process of mounting a set of HM-221 clutivators I found on a Farmall M restoration project and have hit a snag with the original Farmall hydraulic cylinders that came with the cultivators. Without having tried them first, I brought them to a local hydraulic shop to get them checked-out, overhauled if necessary and replace the hoses as they had been patched with electrical tape and were looking their age.

Well, a day later I get a call from the shop, they tore into the cylinders without testing them (breaking all the seals) and wanted over $1,000 to machine new pistons from scratch and replace the seals and hoses. After I stopped laughing, I told them to cease work and that I would explore other options on my own.

So, can anybody tell me if parts/kits exist for these original cylinders, should I be looking at ebay, or is there a suitable newer tie-rod type of cylinder that goes well with HM-221 cultivators. I think they're 2.5" bore by 8" stroke with a ram that sticks out around 18" with no end (fits inside a shroud that's connected to the cultivators).

Thanks in advance for any suggestions/help!
Check at CNH. I rebuilt the cylinders for my #31 loader a couple of
years ago and the parts cost me about $50 per cylinder.
They are lether cup type pistons, with not much af a seal at the ram end. They are easily rebuilt on a bench, and the lethers are actually available many places (by matching them up, not part numbers. caseIH will have the parts as well. They are just too simple. Jim,
Where are you located? I think I have a set of cylinders off a cultivator I junked a few years ago. Email me at sweetcorn70(at)

What Jim said below,

They are flat out trying to rape you.

Go in there, get your cylinders and if they've broken them in any way take necessary action. I'd never set foot in their doorway again.

These "screw-yer-neighbor types" are really startin' to get to me.

Makes ya wonder if this society of ours is actually starting to implode.

Thanks for all the pointers! I looked online at the CNH catalog and found the hydraulic cylinder kits but there were no descriptions, diagrams or sizes of the seals that they contain. I'll give my local Case/IH dealer a call tomorrow morning to see if he can shed some light on which kit is right for my cylinders.

Actually, I think I'm down to one good cylinder since the hydraulic shop used a pneumatic chisel to separate the tapered hose end of the piston from the cast iron piece it slides into and wrecked both pretty bad. I don't even think a lathe can save it. Unreal! Mike, I'm sending you an email!

Thanks again guys!
In my opinion, the shop needs to buy you a new cylinder. Best practices and prudent action would have resulted in like new cylinders for about 80 each. These things are way to easy to fix, and have no complexity. They just come apart,
Using a air chisel on one is beyond belief. Jim
I also have a pair of IH cylinders. Not sure if they are the same as the ones you are looking for. I took them off of an H with a home made 3 point a few years. They have been capped and sitting in the barn.

E mail is open.. I can get photos tomorrow.

Had a similar experience with a local hydraulic shop. Took the cylinders off of a Kelly loader on my 'H' to have them rebuilt. They called and said they were ready for pickup. I happily paid the $125 and brought my cylinders home. After getting them home and mounted I noticed one of the gland nuts was broken, and once back in operation they leaked the same as when I took them in.
I suspect they broke the nut and stopped there never doing anything internal to the cylinders.
I tried dealing with them for a little satisfaction but they could care less.

I manage a hardware store in the area and talk to hundreds of folks every week. I tell them about the raw deal every chance I get for 4 years now.
Not sure if it makes a difference, but it makes me feel better, and hopefully will cost them some business.


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