Murray E guess who disappeared lately

Hugh MacKay

Well-known Member
Murray: You started it all last week, then disappeared. You best plan on coming to the plowing match next fall (2010). If for no other reason, come and see us put an apron on Lowell.
Hi Hugh , that appears to be a good plan, was thinking about taking a trip up your way this Fall. As I am typing up this information my mind is attempting to think what our plans are for during September. Carole likes baking and promised to make a fancy wedding cake for a family friend who is getting married on Sept 26/09, the Antique Tractor Club, (N.S.A.E.& T.A.)in Windsor, I volunteered Carole to look after the bean supper which is a Fund Raiser for the club on sept19 and Harvest Festival Day's in Cole Harbour are on Sept. 12, so I guess that takes care of travel plans for Sept. Carole has a cousin in Ridgeway. Is that close to your area ? I must type up a note to Lowell. Cheers ,Murray
Hi Hugh: speaking of disappeared, I am back, sort of. Being semi-retired, I'm either employed with no time, or out of work with no money. I am trying to strike an even balance this time and am back to working on the Super C. The Super A is ugly as ever, but still runs great. The cub is, well ... Of course, the 544 holds down the farm
Murray: We're talking 2010, the plowing match is up north this year. 2010 it will be at St Thomas Airport in Elgin Co. About 30 min. from here.

Not sure I know where Ridgeway is, I know the name Ridgetown
Chris: That's better than being employed with no money. The way our governments are giving tax payer dollars to the wealthiest folks around the world, being employed with no money may be the norm.

Being unemployed you may find yourself with money. When your unemployed the government don't count you anymore, at least that is how it works in Canada.

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