new farmalls 1947-1954 ??


Well-known Member
I have an addiction to old tractors.  I would like to get a Farmall tractor that my father possibly would have bought after WWII probably 47-48  and  b4 1955-56 when we left the farm. He and all his brothers have passed away so no way of really knowing.  I think that he bought a new Farmall. Know it was a Farmall.  Lived in North Alabama so the fields were not huge and were not flat but he and his brother had about 1000 acres total. Not all under cultivation.  I know he truck farmed collards and raised cotton.  Cotton was picked by hand. I know it would take a weegey(spelling) board to get even a guess but I would like to know what was popular in this era on farms of this size.They were going from mules to tractors.  Would like to look for one to play farm with for nostalgia reasons.  I could get some pictures of what ya'll may suggest and maybe mom would recognize it . She has no clue what model it was other than Farmall.  Thanks in advance. Don't think I want to go back far enough for the mules though.
That would be a "Letter Series" Farmall. For 1000 acres, most likely an M or Super M, which was the biggest offered at the time.

In descending order of size/horsepower, other possibilities are H, C, B, A or Cub. The H, C and A were also available as Supers. To the casual observer they look pretty much the same as a regular. M's and H's can be hard to tell apart at a glance to an uninformed viewer as well, but the H is noticeably smaller when sitting next to an M.

Less likely but also possible are the W6 and W4 which are "standard tread" versions of the M and H respectively. Technically, they're not Farmalls, they're Internationals, but again, the inexperienced observer won't know that. A red tractor is a "Farmall"...

With a clear picture and a closeup, you can see the different decals for the Super series, near the front of the tractor on the hood.
in the rolling hills of Va. a friend of mine who has a little over a thousand acres with small fields. of 25 to 40 acres says they had 2 C farmalls and a H . the Cs would lap the H all day long plowing.

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