Farmall Wheels

Why do I see so many H's and M's with reversed rear wheels, almost like the MV and HV. Do restorers do this? I hope you guys know what I'm talking about, because this question has been bothering me for as long as I have loved Farmalls!
Well i hate that look but alot of brochures show them like that so idk if the came from the factory like that and the dealer turned em around or what. I know what you mean but idk the did that.
flipping the rear cast centers give you a real narrow rear width. they fit on a trailer a lot easier that way.
i had to turn mine M around to fit my trailer. 83" with 13.6 it would rub in but when i wen to 14.9 it was too wide. if i ever get a bigger trailer i will swap them back.
there is no wrong way to have the back wheels on a h or m. they were meant to be used either way according to row width or to center up the hitch to plow.
In the 50's our IH dealer would get tractors by rail car. The wheels were dished in and the tires were on backwards to narrow the tractors, so they could get more on a railcar. The dealer would turn the complete wheel around before he sold any of them.
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IH Standard Man: You tell us, what would be the point in buying a row crop if you could ajust the wheel tread to suit every crop grown? There were row crop reasons to make these tractors adjustable from roughly 48" to a 100". It takes a dished wheel or an extreemly long axle to achive that.
You also see a lot of dished-in rear wheels on M's with wide fronts - I suppose to line up the front and rear treads without widening the adjustable fronts to the point of weakness.
So.... two reasons: 1) Trailering, and 2) matching tread width with a wide front.
The wheels can be dished in or dished out in order to get complete range of wheel spacing. They were normally used dished out. The tractors were shipped with the wheels dished in with the tread running backward with about 30 psi in order to make the tractors narrow to lace them on the rail car for shipping and high air pressure to prevent movement during shipment. Some restorers dish the wheels in to make them narrow for transport.

Harold H
I did mine that way because of the pic shown below.Plus, it fits my trailer better. I catch alot of flack from the "correct police" at the shows, until I pull out a copy of that picture!

Your rim clips are on the inside, though (and I can't tell if they are bolted in front of or behind the wheel). In either case, your setup with clips on the inside is much wider than railway mode where they are on the outside and bolted behind the wheel center.
Most trailers with fenders are 82 inches wide between the fenders. Some time you can fudge buy over inflating the tires.

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