Been gone...OLD controversy


Well-known Member
Geez, I will certainly miss OLD, but a couple of the guys mentioned as being deragutory toward him...don't buy it! Couple of those guys were on the old "fun page" (tractor wars...) and even if they disagreed with you, they kept it respectable.
While he did provide a lot of useful knowledge here, OLD did come outta faaarrrrr left field occasionally. I think he mighta been a little sensitive to someone expressing a different point of view...IF that's why he really left. I know I go in spurts here; every night for a week or two, then I won't be on for 3 weeks!
He's free to do as he pleases. I suspect he may have been getting a little bored here. We all need a change in scenery once in a while. As to Old's contributions, I always respect a guy who can make something outa nothin'.

Glenn F.
I miss him too as he seemed so honest and good natured. However, his political views were from far right field rather than left field.
I first came here in 1998 then when we regestered our handle I changed to what it is now mostly for simplicity in 2003 . I dont think I`ve missed a day of reading . At the start I posted alot more but have been posting alot less over the yrs. as there`s folks here now that know alot more than I do and dont see a reson to repeat a answer in differant words . I`ve seen alot of people come and go and alot of it is from thin skin . Most people that are giving someone eles a hard time those type people ar`nt around here long , they just cause trouble and move on . When it`s a disagrement within the regulars there is know reason to get mad and go home . From his replys you can tell he has to take a extra pain pill now and then and dont blame him a bit . I`ve had 5 back surgerys and a hip replacment and I take a extra myself once in a while . He has been help to the folks here and seems to be a good guy but if he dont want to be here so be it , you cant make him come back and I`m sure he can be found on other web sights if you need him . Life go`s on and before ya know it there will be 3 people here to take his place . P.S. if your engine is stuck put some ATF in it !!
Old has moved over to Nebrasha Cowman's forum and seems to be happy with the change. There are a lot of former regulars from this board over there and they seldomly post here anymore.
Probably enough blame to go around. I know I get too "mouthy" sometimes and have gone back next day, re-read a post and wished to heck I had kept my mouth shut or at least worded something differently. Several of the guys have apologized and that is commendable.

The printed word, and not being face to face accounts for a lot of problems.

If we were all gathered around a campfire or pot bellied stove, I imagine the conversation would be lively and civil.

Have a great day folks!

I sent an email to someone once that didn't favor what they wanted from me and said "have a nice day" at the end. I sincerely meant have a nice day and was going to take care of them but needed something else as far as paperwork first. All h$ll broke loose and the folks wasted almost 3 days of screaming , crying, and calling bosses when 5 minutes of correcting a piece of paper and we would have all had I nice day.........
I get hateful sometimes too but try to reserve it for the .........never mind.

Gene: Great point, what we loose here is the expression on the other guys face as he both talks and listens. Some folks claim a photo is worth a 1,000 words, the expression is worth another 1,000 words.
Alot of people say things on here that could be taken either way. I don't know exactly what they said but alot of the things said on here could be interpreted in a joking/trying to be funny or a negative voice. It is sort of a language barrier with computers. I'm not trying to make anyone look good or bad by saying this so please don't take it the wrong way. It is too bad that he left becasue he was one of the most knowledgable people on here. I've asked a few questions that he responded to and he had some of the most useful tips and answers. Hopefully he reconsiders and comes back for all of our sake.
My opinion is that OLD is only hurting himself by quitting, IF he really enjoyed being here.

I decide that I was never going to set foot on my Sister-In-Laws property ever again. Two years later it occurred to me that all I had accomplished was to stop having a relatioship with my brother. Now I go over there when I want or need to and if she has a problem with it, then it is exactly that, HER PROBLEM, and not mine.

I hope that someone will get OLD to understand my point of view about this. That it is only his problem if he decides for it to be his problem. Otherwise, he should just let the problem be someone elses.

Some problems are easy to fix and if everyone had the same answer and it does not fix the problem, then what?

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