Farmall rims 15.5 x 38


Well-known Member
My rear rim rusted out around the valve stem from chloride. I plan on patching it if it's a good idea. I do ok with a wirefeed welder. Any suggestions on sheet metal to use? As in regular sheet steel or higher carbon.

How about method. One guy said completely cover it and drill a new hole for the valve stem elsewhere. Any opinions?

Of course I could get another rim. My tractor is a 460 with 15.5 x 38. Are there several types or one fits all? What specific things to look for that fit the lugs.


Bruce O.
If its not to big you can weld a washer on the inside and beat it to fit and weld it more. If to big for a washer of the correct size for the stem you can weld a bigger washer on the inside then weld a smaller one on the out side. I spent most of Sunday after noon fixing a rim that most would have said could not be fixed but I fits it any how just for the heck of it
Hobby farm
see if you can fin an old junk car rim. cut the section out around the valve stem hole, then use that as a patch to weld in to your rim. works pretty good.
If there are any junkers around you can cut a section out of another ruined rim, don't worry about the hole. Cut the rotten area out and weld in the new patch. Then go to any solid area in the rim where the hole will be, get a spot about the size of a golf ball red hot and flatten the corner out, I use a 2X2 square bar for a backer. I am assuming your valve stem is coming off an edge, not a flat area, and you want it to look original. Then drill the hole.
Sounds like you have it mounted up tube less and most older tractor tire/rims need tubes in them or you have big problem and that problem can/will kill you if things go wrong. The old rims just plain are not made to be used tube less
My tires are tube type... I assume. The area was so rusted out that it must have had a tube in there.

How about breaking the bead? I've done lots of 10.00x20 truck tires with "sledge and wedge" in my earlier years. What would be a technique on this tractor tire? I could always call the tire guy.

I've been watching that rusted rim for a couple years and planned on fixing it this fall. Monday, the first day of autumn, I bumped a pallet which rolled up and finished off the valve stem. This was right outside my workshop door. Can't complain on inconvenience....

Thanks for your help,


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