engine swap

I've wondered with all the IH wizards on here, has anyone swapped a 450 C281 into a 560? I know it would be a huge project and a lot of things would have to be changed/fabricated mainly the fuel tank, because the 281 is a lot taller, I think itd be a neat conversion with the 560s features, power steering and hydraulics and tel a depth fast hitch..
I know also it doesn't take much to get a 281 to 560 power levels either along with its torque and reliability, might be a win..

Just daydreaming on a crappy snowy day, wishing spring would get here fast
Exactly, it would bolt right up, in my mind the clutch and bell housing would be the hard part, I wonder too if the 450 fuel tank could be made to fit easier?
Have you considered the 361 that's for sale in the classifieds, that would be my idea of a nice swap.Turn the rpm's down and you would be good to go!
Pretty much the same challenges as the guy wanting to put a 350 engine in a 504.

Right off the bat it would bolt right up to the bell housing using the 450's rear adapter plate. I think the input shaft and IPTO drive would even line right up with the 450 clutch.

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