TSX 616 body size ??


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by Dodgeit on December 29, 2012 at 18:00:43.
The original subject was TSX 616 body size ??.

I know this is an old post but it seems there are some very knowledgable people that replied to the original question so I'm going to give it a shot. I have a tsx 616 and I would like to get a new
aftermarket carb. I'm okay with doing some fabrication on the throttle and choke but the fuel supply needs to stay on the left side of the carb. Can anyone recommend a good aftermarket carb?

I have a Case 811-B. It seems like there should be a more modern options for these older tractors and manufacturing/machining technology has radically improved over the last 50 years.

I didn't see anything on the site.

What is wrong with the carb you have?

The TSX-series were generally good carburetors, and a repairable one is likely more desirable than what is on the market now from ''The Land of Almost Right''.
The flanges that let you bolt the air filter on are broken off. It leaks gas but I'm sure that's a float
adjustment or the bowl/mating area needs resurfaced.
I'd call Y-T and talk to them. Under the 800 series they list a carb for a good many 800 series Case tractors. Me I'd rebuild the one you have

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