Vierzon SFV vineyard tractor

This message is a reply to an archived post by DKase on January 23, 2009 at 05:27:01.
The original subject was "Vierzon SFV vineyard tractor".

Would there be any chance of tracking this tractor down now? I would have interest.
Grandpa gyger had one dont think it was orchard offered to me several yrs ago 6000 7000 range. I hope u find one those remind me of my field marshal. Are u going to spring case convention.? Dan
If I remember right it was advertised in Antique Power. It was in New York state and needed a lot of work. Happy hunting. DK
No, I will be at the fall convention here in PA. I am sure I will find a few of you over at Herb Wessel's sale in June. I'm probably more of a spectator there, but he's only about 25 minutes away.

I know about Gyger's SFV Case 403. It is not running, and obsolete parts from France to fix it could be a bit interesting. I can find them for sale in Europe, but finding someone to put it in a container is the hard part. If some people wanted to share a full size container, that would make importing a few economical. I have seen some decent originals advertised over there that I would mind.

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