2009 Old Time Farm Day in Greenville, AL

Hi all,

On the last day of October there will be a tractor show at the Old Time Farm Day in Greenville, Alabama.

"October 31, 2009:
Old Time Farm Day, Greenville, AL. 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, mule plowing teams, pedal tractor races, boot races, quilting, tractor display and farm animals. Demonstrations of blacksmith, gristmill and basket making will transport you to the past. Bring your folding chairs. Located at 2828 Sandcut Road, Greenville, AL - 4 mi. west of I-65. Contact: Carey Thompson (334) 382-2295, Eddie Branum (334) 382-3523 or Ron Warner (334) 382-2571."

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