FWA on case tractors

armand tatro

Well-known Member
Did any of the Case standard tractors or row crops (930 on up to time of merger with IH) have front wheel assist? I have seen Famrall 560 and 660 standards, M&M (704,706, 708,etc) and Olivers with FWA's (Elwood and other). Just wondering if anybody did this for Case? Armand
In regards to any of the 30 series Case tractors having FWA, the only ones I have seen were 1030's. These were done with an aftermarket kit from Elwood manufacturing I believe. I have only see 2 such tractors in person and not sure of how many were actually converted like that. Hopefully someone else on the board will be able to shed more light.

Not positive if it was original or just what, but this tractor was at the Bridgeport sale:

<a href="http://s130.photobucket.com/albums/p268/case600lp/?action=view&current=DSC_0059-3.jpg" target="_blank">
DSC_0059-3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket

<a href="http://s130.photobucket.com/albums/p268/case600lp/?action=view&current=DSC_0060-2.jpg" target="_blank">
DSC_0060-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
conversion kits were avalible from Elwood for Case tractors. I don"t know which models were avalible for conversion, but I know of two 1030 tractors, and one 930 with Elwood axles. The 930 is an older six speed, not a comfort king. It was converted by the dealer when new. I am sure the are more out there.
I'm sure that the 3294 and 3594 were available with front assist as I have seen some of them. Friends of mine have a 90 series that has it. I've never seen it on 70 series but that doesn't mean they didn't have it.
Is the drive gear box the same as the IH ones !If I could come up with enough parts to do a Conversion I would do it to my 1070 Gear drive ! as I see it if they could build it just why Cant I put one to in a 70 series.I have seen the HYD kits on 1070 It was a Brand new Tractor ,it was only at the local Dealer for about 1 week before it was sold. 1 other was a used 2090
The 3294, 3394, and 3594 were ONLY FWA tractors. The 2290/94's and I think the 2090/94's had the option. I think all the 96 series had the option.

You can see the drop box out of the trannie right under the cab stairs...

I might could zoom in on the pic for more detail, but this is the best pic I have of that part...

There is no door on our 1030, so i am guessing they had to cut an access door in the casting to get to the drivetrain, and i am guessing they had to tap holes for mounting the gear box as well. Lots of work, but it does look good and proabably pulled good too, bigger tires and a set of duals would have probably put the power to the ground just as well, don't know.
It all most looks like a Truck PTO ,Made to fit !Or is it the same one used on IH tractors to Drive there front drive ?

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