Neat WD-45 factory promotion film/video!!!

JD Seller

Well-known Member
I can remember watching this as a little kid. We did not have AC equipment then but the local dealer handled other lines that we did own. So I can remember going to the open house. My Grand Father came an got me out of school for lunch and the film. It was the first "film" I ever saw other than TV shows. I would have been 6-7 years old.

A life long friend of my Grand Father had a diesel WD-45. They traded work back and forth. That WD-45 was quite the tractor with a three bottom plow. Did a really nice job. He also had the mounted corn picker for it like the one shown in the film. The corn passed under the rear axle. Not really a very good husking picker. Also terrible in wet fall. With the picker running under the axle you had very little ground clearance.

Nice journey back to my youth.

AC WD-45 promotional film:
AC WD 45 film
AC had some very innovative ideas- first Power-Shift rear wheels with the 1948 WD, weight transfer system with their WD hyd, Snap-Coupler implement attaching system. First with rubber rear tires, instead of steel lugs. Roll-Shift adjustable front axle with the D series. First farm tractor with factory turbo- D19.

I do fault them for waiting so long to go beyond the 28 inch rear wheels. Regarding the corn picker- that would have been the #33, some minor advantages over the unmarked first edition that we had on the WC. Harder to run without the live pto on the WD. But yeah, ground clearance was 8-10 inches, so it hung up easily in wet ground. Rolls didn"t remove much husk...basically a snapper, which is what AC called their one-row version.
I never understood why you needed to remove the shucks. We had a 227 JD mounted picker, it removed the shucks but shelled a lot of corn down the row. Neighbor had a Allis mounted picker on a WD45. He picked as much or more corn as we did and went through the mud as well also. Those little narrow tires set close together weren't very good in mud anyway!
Shucked corn holds moisture in, so it spoils easier. Makes it harder to shell. It does provide fiber for cows, but is a detriment for pigs.

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