WD pto shear pin


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by big jt on January 08, 2011 at 21:40:00.
The original subject was "Re: WD pto shear pin".

do you know where i can find a shear pin or bolt to fit? i have looked at home depot and ace... but was unable to find any. and do you know what the length of the bolt shoud be?
That is a shoulder bolt. Half inch with 3/8 threaded end.

Need to go to your agco dealer. At least I wasn't able to find it on this site or nnalert's.

"Sandy Lake Implement" has them..

I like to drill thru both the head and the threaded end and safety them, so that if the bolt would break it cannot come half-way out and break a casting...


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