Allis Chalmers WC


Well-known Member
There is a guy by me that is selling a styled WC. It has a narrow front and hand brakes that work good. The engine turns over and there is spark, it just needs to be wired so it will run. All the tires have good tread and some weathering. All it needs is a starter and battery. It has shutters, PTO, and a belt pulley. All of the sheet metal is very good except for the fenders which have a couple dimples. The guy is asking $625. Is this a fair price? What do you think it's worth? Thanks
In my opinion, it's kinda high priced for a non-runner. With out hearing it run, you never know what you'll get yourself into.

I've seen non-runners go for less than $250. Saw a WD complete non-running go for less than $450.
^$625 is a tad high for it with the starter not being there and the other fact it doesn't run. Sounds more like a $400 tractor to me unless the guy could hot wire it and get it to run for you then maybe $500 or so
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