rpm goes down


Well-known Member
hi... im seeking for some help... i change my engine from stock engine of honda hatchback to D15. now my problem is the rpm goes down everytime i turn on the aircon, and check engine does not turn off.. what really is the problem?
Are you saying you put a TRACTOR ENGINE in a Honda Car? If you did, YES YOU DO REALY NEED HELP, and NOT of the mechanical kind.

What you are saying seems incredible. Do you realize that the Honda engine you removed can rev up to 6000? The Allis engine cannot be safely operated above 2500 rpm.

Frankly, I don't believe this post.
i have a car which is honda hatch back, from stock engine 1300V, i change the engine to new D15b Vtec sohc.. my question is WHY THE RPM GOES DOWN EVERYTIME I TURN ON THE AIRCON and it is not yet moving.
thanks for the reply... kentb, i have a car which is HONDA HATCH BACK MODEL, from stock engine which is 1300V, i change it to new D15b vtec sohc...and my question is WHY IS IT EVERYTIME I TURN ON THE AIRCON THE RPM GOES DOWN?

and im here in this site, asking for some advice, maybe one of the member have an idea about my problem.
More than an engine swap is involved. The engine control computer is the cause of your problems, This is a completely different engine and needs a computer chip for it. The computer speeds up the engine when; steering wheel is turn, air cond. is turned on, electrical load increases, etc. Check engine light is on for the same reason= different computer parameters. I don't know how you ended up here but a D15 is an Allis Chalmers tractor from WAY before the computer controlled age.
To the guys who replied to this post, You are misunderstanding this. He did not put a motor out of an allis chalmers D15 in his honda. He put a D15b vtec sohc motor in his honda which is not made by allis chalmers so there is no tractor motor in his car. He"s just asking for information about his honda in a tractor forum, which he might as well be talking to a brick wall.
Why are you asking about a HONDA car on an Allis-Chalmers tractor site. I would think there would be sites that are HONDA related that would be WAY more PRODUCTIVE. If you would have posted ALL of the details I would not have posted my first post. This is the way many post are, NOT ENOUGH DETAILS TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE WORKING ON.


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