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I converted my allis WD from 6V to 12V. I think I burnt up my coil because i didn"t get one with and internal resistor. I orderd one with and internla resister, but now i am thinking on spending the money for an electronic ignition. Anyone know if it is really better, and how tough would it be to put in? Thanks for any help in advance.
Not worth it IMO. Remember to reverse the + and - on the coil and amp guage if you are installing an alternator negative ground system. I just had my generator rewound and converted to 12V. That way it still looks original but has the advantage of 12V starting. Just my preference.
Is there an advantage to electronic ignition? That depends on your level of use. If you are a typical user in the 50's and are putting 2000 to 3000 hours on in a typical growing season, the electronic ignition will mean reduced downtime for tune ups. If your use is 200 hours per year or less, I think money would be better spent buying tires, oil seals to stop oil drips and new bearings to reduce drive sounds.
Could that be why I can't seem to get my WD timed exactly? It seems the timing mark bounces around and is not steady. I figured there is wear in the distributor and haven't yet taken time to investigate.
In my opinion (and I know everyone has one), putting the electronic ignition kit from Genessee into my WD-45 was one of the best improvements I've made to the tractor! Always starts, no plug fouling, no more points burning up. It's been great. Took about 15 minutes to install, and has been trouble-free since. I purchased the 12V, POSITIVE GROUND version of their kit, since that's how I'm set up.

Worth every penny in my book!
Thanks for all the help. Now i have another question. I put in a new coil with an internal resistor, and an new 12V battery. When i go to start the tractor up, it won't start, plus the battery cable on the negative terminal connected to the tractor frame starts to smoke and get really hot. My dad and I seem to think that it is a bad starter. Any help or info would be great. Thanks again.

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