D17 Diesel Timing

Welding man

Well-known Member
West Virginia
I am in the process of rebuilding a D-17 diesel. Ready to install the inj pump. I T manual says early engines had a timing pin and a hole in the flywheel. Later engines had marks on the front crank pulley. Pump times at 16 Deg BTDC but guess what, no timing pin hole or no marks on the pulley either,now what? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the 16 degrees? Thanks in advance.
If you do not have the head on yet, and you know the connecting rod length and the stroke of the engine you can use trig calculate how far the piston would be from TDC to be 16 degrees. You could also mount a degree wheel, Find one at a HOT ROD shop, set the engine at TDC mount the wheel on the crank. Mount a pointer on the block and then back the crank up 16 degrees. Questions? send me an E-mail and I will send you my phone number.

Thanks Kent, I guess I should have thought of a degree wheel myself, I think I still have one somewhere from my old racing days, I do still have the head off so I can set up a dial indicator and get the exact top dead center. It just threw me a curve for a little while when I couldn't find any marks. I'll let you know how I make out. Thanks Again

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