Dexta injector pump

Bob Lowrie

New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by Rich in IN on January 03, 2012 at 08:22:23.
The original subject was "Re: Dexta injector pump".

My Super Destra has been working great, but use it seldom, early this yeat i moved to to hook up a hog and afer it ran for about 10 minutes it died and has not started yet, i cheked the oil leve and found water, so purged the pump oil resivoe with new oil and refilled to proper level, the filter was cloged so put on new filter and boster pump, nothing comes out of the injector pump, and ideas what happened
likely muffed up the pump with rust/corosion. Happened to mine after sitting a couple years injector pump got water in it somehow. I figure the water seperated out of the diesel from sitting so long. Had it rebuilt along with the injectors. Not cheap but works again
(quoted from post at 09:53:54 05/05/12) likely muffed up the pump with rust/corosion. Happened to mine after sitting a couple years injector pump got water in it somehow. I figure the water seperated out of the diesel from sitting so long. Had it rebuilt along with the injectors. Not cheap but works again
Oh , you do know it has to be primed after changing the filter and such? There is a little priming lever on your pump and you have to crack open one or more injector lines while cranking to bleed the air out. there may be other ways but thats the way I do it.

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