Figuring out ear corn yield


Well-known Member
This message is a reply to an archived post by joepa on September 21, 2022 at 07:56:53.
The original subject was Figuring out ear corn yield.

Letus go to your line, How to roughly figure out bushels per acre I should expect to yield. No chance for a formula for that. Depends on type of ground and production per acre. Poor low yielding corn might only yield 80 bushels per acre with the lower quality seed and no fertilizer, Then there is the mediun ground that can produce anyware from a hundred twinty bushels per acre with little fertilizer and a lower yielding varaity corn to say 175 bushels per acre wiyh a higher yiealdind varity of corn with the fertilizer poured on and correct amount of rain. Then there is the very best ground that with the very highest yiealding varieties with all the fertilizer you can put on with the highest population that variaty will handle and then the right amount of rain at the right time Will go into the 200 bushels per acre range. Then the varieties that fit into the 200 bushels groupe are no good for ear picking as they are bread to be easy shelling with the combine, for ear picking you need a varity bread for the picker and those are hard to find, at least were when I was farming.. So a varity that yields a 125 bushel yield would take half the storage space of a 250 busherl varity. All the formulas can do is tell you hay musc volume you need to store an exact amount once it is harvested and that is figuring out how many bushels a container will hold. There is nothing that will give you an idea of how many containers that field will need for to hold all the crop. All you can do is figure out how many acres you want to plant, quaility of ground, seed and fertilizer to guess your yield to figure out how many containers-cribs you might need to hold what you are planting. Always guessed ar 1 2/4 bushels took up half space 2 1/2 bushels of war dic. And never heard of crates for measurements, And I have done every thing from hand harvesting to picker or combines. You will never be able to figure out how many bushels of crib space because of all the field verations,
On would have to look at the local average yields; look at the actual piece of land being used if its poor good great; consider if one is fertilizing properly and high yield plan, fertilizing some, or doesnt even know the ph of the dirt or what N, P, and K stands for.... Then will great or poor weed control happen.

And use that info to estimate a yield potential of 35-235 bu an acre corn yield.

Then ear corn takes about 2x the volume of shell corn to store, not quite but just about.


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