Picking Last of My Corn by Hand


Well-known Member
I left my food plot corn standing all winter for the deer, turkeys and rabbits. As I walked the rows, I noticed there was more corn left than I wanted to disc in so I started picking it. I have about half of a 1/3 acre patch to go. It's been kinda fun and educational. Some ears are really nice; others not so much. (I got my sprockets reversed and ended up with about five plants to the foot of row so lots of ears are very small. but all filled out.) When I'm all done--I already finished one patch--I'll brush hog and disc then put in cow peas for a summer forage crop. I really thought they would eat it all. I'll end up with a 4 x 8 trailer about 16" deep. I don't know how many bushels that is, but it represents a lot of pails.

Thank you.They ate a lot of it, so I wonder what my yield might have been. At least they had enough for the winter.


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