Big rain coming!


Well-known Member
They are telling us we could get upwards of two inches of rain tomorrow, and boy do we need it!
Ya and you better hold on tight it may be more then what you want as in big bad storms and lighting and maybe even tornado's. But hey it could be worse we could be getting 2 foot of snow and tornado's at the same time
As crazy as this winter has been I would not rule out anything. Feb. 1&2 taking out old fence row in my shirt sleeves, is that nuts or what?
Ya and if the temps stay this way all year we are in for a summer where a guy has to get up at 3 AM and work till 6am then go in and then go back out at say 10PM and work till 11:45 because during the day a person can not stay out for more then 30 minutes at a time due to being to hot to do much more then go under ground
We are supposed to get 1 to 2 inches in NEMO. We are not in to bad a shape moisture wise as there is about a 18 inches of water in the bottom of our meter well. We"ll take it though as we might need some of it later. Animal and Old, where are you two located.
cydectin...I"m assuming when you say there is 18 inches of water in your "meter well" you are referring to the casing around your water meter. Does the depth of the water in the casing indicate the amount of water available throughout the soil profile? That's an interesting way to determine available water. Either that or you've got a leak.
I'm north of Joplin about 12 miles or so. Yesterday the forecast was for 3/4 - 1". Now just a 1/10th to a 1/4. Sure was looking forward to more. I was also taking out an old fence row the last couple of days. Mark
Our rural water meter well housing is a poly tube about 18 to 24" in diameter and about 36 to 42" deep. The water in it is about 18" deep so there would be 18 to 24" of the well with no water. These last few wet years the well was almost to the top. This is full saturation. First half of last year was full saturation and and last half was bone dry in the well. There are no leaks. It just shows us where the saturation line is. There is moisture in the soil above this line, it is just not saturated. I find myself looking in that hole a lot to see where we are at for moisture and this helps me to make decision on praying for rain or cursing it.
and don't have 2 run the heaters on the water tank ;so i guess i can glam something from this;; sure miss my ice fishing ;;;kris
Well it is 9PM here at the Lake of the Ozarks on Feb 3 and it is raining puppies and kittens. Not hard enough to be cats and dog but still coming down pretty good. Last year at this time I was digging out of 2 foot of snow so yep it can be worse
Iguess we got an inch or so, man did it green things up! The wheat looks like wheat again.

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