$2,99 regular, $2.99 red diesel


Well-known Member
I guess the fools that think they know what makes this country prosporus have not realized what really tore us down in 2008. I do not understand anything any more. What I think is common sense is just blown by the way side! If someone does not get a handle on this fuel we are in for one heck of a ride again!!!!!!!
Yep sooner or later if fuel prices keep it up or should I say keep going up we will end up in a depression and that will in turn pretty well shut down the nation. They think unemployment is bad now if fuel prices keep it up a person will not be able to afford to drive to work even if they have a job to drive to
Kinda seems a product of the QE2 policy. Add a gob of money every month to the ecconomy from nowhere, it might be 'helping' in some areas, but it's going to show up in other areas as negatives.

Bulk commodities that are in demand in other ocuntries - enegy, fertilizer, grain, etc - are gonna go up. We really can't do the QE2 deal, and control fuel prices at the same time....

Food prices are moving up fast.A bag of layer pellets went up 1.60 over last months.Shipping costs on small packages have gone crazy.The high cost of fuel oil, gas, propane and diesel is using up money that could buy other goods.Fertilizer prices are very high.Hay is running 3 to 3.50 a bale here.Gas just went to 3.21 here.Gov says there is no inflation so SS checks wont increase.I was paying 2.00 for fuel oil 2 years ago, now 3.10.I am buying nothing, no money to do it with.My truck was parked just before Christmas, didnt move until Jan 12.Winter has always been hard here,its getting worse.
Blocked my truck up in the shop on 1 Dec, took most of the insurance off. It won't come out til first cutting of hay is baled, about 30 May.
I thought I was the only one, I have not rolled a wheel on my truck since harvest! AS soon as it quits this freezing rain today, I am going to take my explorer[that is my daily driver] to town and put twenty dollars worth of fuel in it for any emergency I may need it for, but My plan is not leaving this farm for any thing until spring, and I am dead serious! If I feel the need to shoot the breeze who better to do it with than you guys!!!!
We ain't seen nothing yet. I am not blaming any particular party when it comes to non-existent energy policy in the USA, take your pick. Certain facts cannot be denied, there is a concerted effort to curtail fossil fuel production and ultimately consumption in this country. Cheap energy is what literally fueled the post war industrial boom that lasted well into the 70's. There are many reasons for the decimation of the industrial backbone of our country but it is a fact that the rust belt started rusting in 1973. The economic damage, plants closings and job losses continued into the early 80's with record oil prices coupled with steadily decreasing domestic production. The oil price crash of 1985 lifted the majority of the country out of recession, the price stayed low for 15 years due a combination of technological advancements that increased and rejuvinated tens of thousands of existing wells and because the industry could operate with much fewer restrictions. Look at where we are today in terms of regulation and curtailment of exploration and production. If the radical ''greens'' or whatever they call themselves continue to have their way the result will be bankrupting the western world, don't worry about the chinese and the third world, their not about to stop producing, buying and burning fossil fuels of all types.
Its no longer supply and demand..The big Wall Street speculators such as Goldman -Sucks now control things.They got away with running oil up to $147 in 2008 and they will try it again.Nothing will ever be done to them.
I blame most all of the rise due to the lower value of the dollar.

With the country financed with borrowed overseas dollars and with the credit ratings dropping I expect the trend to continue.

If congress and the president don't start to control their spending Chinese will eventually become the official language of this country which will probably be renamed.

Remember back a few decades ago when the communists stated that this country would be taken over from within---it is happening whether we admit it or not.
Only time my truck gets ran is when the neighbor calls for a bale of hay or is my wife has a flat on her car. I have an air compressor under the hood of the truck. when it is warm enough to do so I ride my Honda CB360T to town for most stuff. It gets around 50mpg and I also drive the wife's car a lot it gets around 40mpg if you drive it right. Not sure what is going to happen this summer when it comes time to bale hay. If fuel prices keep going up we may have round bales selling for around $40 like it was 2 or 3 years ago
maybe with all the fuel and fertilizer and cost of productions rising, we should all save the money made over the last couple years, apply no fertilizer at all, and grow a 105 bushel avg corn crop, that might work, if production costs can be held to 200 an acre, there might be money in a 90 bushel corn crop at least for now. I know that big subsidized farms would never jump aboard but Ive thought of this.

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