Winona Judd


Well-known Member
Just watched Winonah Judd sing a song(Coal Miners Doughter) or the TV.Wow has she gotten fat and.... Her mother(Naomi)is still beautiful as ever
It is sad that being heavy or fat over rides being a wonderful singer. I guess that God just lets the skinny people in????? I have been heavy my whole life even in the service I was not small. I could run ten miles the second fastest in my training group but was almost failed because I did not look in "shape".

Winona is a wonderfully talented singer and song writer. Ever wonder if part of her problem is being compared to her mother and sister all of the time?

I will get off of my soap box now. It just burns me when I see comments like some of the others here. Many wonderful ladies and girls ruin their health trying to be skinny so people will like them.
If you want to hear one of the most haunting and beautiful songs ever, listen to Wynona sing Freebird on the Skynyrd tribute album Friends! I don't care what she looks like, with a voice like hers she'll always ahve a place in my CD rack!
Anne Wilson from Heart, Stevie Nicks, Pat Benetar, and Grace Slick have all expanded and or declined physically, but who cares, they still ROCK! Lotsa male singers have expanded too, do we comment on that?
I mean if you are a TRUE Country music fan then you still listen to Hank Williams, Johhny Cash and Waylon Jennings right? They ain't lookin' so good lately either!
isn't that something, supposed to been dying years ago,got publicity, now better, and on the road again...i like Reba better anyway.
I ignored the redheads and enjoyed watching and listening to Jennifer and Miranda.
If you like "Coal Miner"s Daughter", There"s only one who can sing it. Lorreta Lynn. Can"t be equaled. Not lumpy either.
Wife had the remote last night and came across that show towards the end. I was impressed at the way some of the girls sang. Most of the songs were sang the way they are supposed to be, not like a cat getting caught in an electric fence. Most of them have beautiful voices if they sing the songs right. Never really did care for the Judds, not because of the way they look, just didn't really like their sound. Love the Pasty Cline, Tammy Wynette and Loretta Lynn type of songs. Carrie Underwood isn't too bad to look at though!
I enjoy most all of the female vocalists, yes some are pretty easy to look at but that's not nessasarily why I enjoy them. I've worked with some ladies that I could watch walk up and down the hall all day long, but a dialog with them is akin to fingernails on a blackboard. Still others look like a cow in the chute, but they are pleasent, articulate well and their tone is almost relaxing to listen to. So my life's conclusion is I don't hold anyone in judgement for what they look like or sound like. After all I don't think my boss hired me because of my "dashing good looks or charming personallity"!
are you kidding not hard to look at, i would bring the crackers to her in bed.
the wifee ask me while she was on if i thought she was pretty, i told hell yes, but not as pretty as you, she looked at me an said "you lie" my reply was yeah but how am i suppose to answer a question like that
Was thumbing through the channels the other night. Couldn't find anything interesting till I came upon the Judds on the Opra channel. I do realize the fact that television shows only portray what they want the viewer to see so I had to read between the lines a bit, in fact, a LOT.

The camera was in both of their busses during a national tour. Didn't see the beginning but I think it was the first tour for Naomi and both of them as a pair for quite a few years.

It doesn't look like there's a lot of happiness between the two and niether one was able to sit down with the other one to talk the feelings out. Sounded like Naomi's mother never liked Naomi so was pretty harsh on her as a child.

On the last performance portrayed on this show, Naomi's mother was supposed to attend the performance,but didn't come. Both Naomi and Winona were badly disappointed and hurt.

So it looks to me like Winona eats for pleasure. The years and the stress really show up on Naomi when the makeup isn't on.

I've performed in front of people, both vocally and instrumentally, on a miniscule scale compared to them, in fact sub-miniscule is more accurate, and it's no piece of cake. Constant travel, different foods, bad time schedules, constant deadlines are not easy. Then to have to perform to perfection despite of this is something few people are capable of. Along with national recognition comes judgement and criticism. I would be a dismal failure at it. Jim
"God Bless America"

A couple of less than "svelte" singers come to my mind and altho they were generations apart,they were beautiful singers; Kate Smith and Cass Elliot.
Wynonna and Kirstie Alley are on the same "Sea Food" diet.
See food and eat it.

It sells magazines.
Women love to buy magazines and look at famous women that are fatter than they are.
If your wife comes back from the market really happy you know she was looking at these fat chicks in the magazines at the check out.

Tell her she is looking good and you might get lucky in the middle of the afternoon.
Now Kirstie Alley is anothe story.
What to bring her some crackers????

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She was on Craig Ferguson show a week or so ago and she was so stoned or high she couldn't make sense. Plus she was orange

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