OT: garden advise


Well-known Member
After lots of looking I have finally purchased a farm about an hour away and am going back to my roots. It's time for this country boy to leave the city!

Here's the problem. I move in on the 3rd of June. I usually put in the garden here in town around the 2nd week of May. Tomatoes, Russian beans (like green beans), Jalapeno, Okra, etc. If I don't move until June, what are my options? I can't do without my garden stuff. Do I start the tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets and transplant them to the garden there? I am willing to live with less variety this year. How late can I start the others? The hogs, chickens, and cattle will come, but I have to have my maters first!
I don't know where you live but, I never plant okra until the weather is hot, June or July. I'm in central Texas. Tomatoes are a different story, won't produce in hot weather. I usually plant a second crop in July for fall tomatoes. Check required time for maturity vs. your growing time. I've seen some pretty good success with these hanging basket up-side down tomatoes. You could move them. Check Willhite seed website online catalogue for growing times of various plants.
Get out the garden Guide, there should be a planting window, its not as if they should be planted on Wednesday.

Plant them in small containers e.g. the cardboard core of a toilet roll, then container could be put in the new garden.No disruption to roots.
We always have an early garden and a late garden. Late planted tomatoes will still be producing when the frost gets them. Late potatoes produce better (for me) than early ones, altho it's harder to find seed. Turnips around here make a good crop if planted on August 10. Cabbage, brocolli, brussel sprouts make better in the fall (for me).

You'll have a good late garden. Don't fret about it.

First of all,Congratulations. And good luck with the late garden. I would do as you propose. Start the maters in 5 gallon buckets. Just don't drown them.lol. Not sure where you are located,but here in Indiana, we have had years that nothing got planted till June and those years were never the worst we have had.
Ask the present owners if you can plant your garden early on the farm. They may be willing to do that. If they say no start your plants now. Here in MD we can get frost til the middle of May. I use those flat peat tabs you soak in water until they've swollen then drop in your seeds for your plants. I finished plowing our garden yesterday. I use those "wall of water" to set out several early plants in case of frost. Hal
Here in West Central Wisconsin,the last "official
frost date is May 15. We usually plant the garden
on, or about May 20.
Congrats on having such a problem as to when and what to plant. I'm sure the new place to fix up and settle on is going to give you a life time of enjoyment and satisfaction!
My mom who is 87 can no longer do a regular type garden so I take 5 gal buckets and fill them with compost and she grows all of her stuff that way. She had so many tomato's last year she was giving them to me to can. So yes you can do it that way, ya it will be a pain in the back sides but at least that way you keep the garden mobile

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