Best Computer virus protection

Lou from Wi.

Well-known Member
Well 2nd try.Clumsy fingers wiped out the first try. Was wondering what internet anti Virus protection you are using with success, WITHOUT the constant bombardment of Reminder pop ups appearing every 10- 25 sec. We have Mc Afee and It's getting to be a royal PITA to work around the B.S. SO guess what, they want us to renew for more $$$ (each year)since this crap started . .We thought it was a one shot deal when we bought the computer and package,it was expensive enough at the time, so now it's on ward and up wards for a NEW PROGRAM. Could use TRUE AND FACTUAL information. Would appreciate your time. REGARDS LOU.
Try Kaspersky. Not sure what the website is. We got it when I bought a new computer. No problems in almost a year. Our computer guru couldn't say anything but good about it.
Thanks bigr,
we are going to our local office max and look at them.
Thanks again,really appreciate it.
Our IT guy at work is almost paranoid about our network, he got us on Kaspersky. I have installed it on our home machines and have been happy. It will have a countdown timer for your renewal and you will have to renew once a year. I got mine at Wally-World- It's a green box
I'm not sure if there's any one be all... end all virus scanner...
I've spent the better part of the last 2 weeks trying to rid a machine of a root kit virus... that neuters the virus scanner. Main symptom was hijacking of google searches. It would search fine but hijacks the browser when you click on a link...
HitMan Pro was the first one I used to actually find this virus... but still couldn't clean it. Gone to the shop now because I don't have system disks... and it needs booted off a system disk.

Best thing... don't run any unknown software. Turn off cookies... and flash cookies. That may get rid of a lot of crap for you. Turn off pop ups as well...
I find all of the major virus scanners to be as much intrusion as the virus itself... for all the good they seem to do.

I use avast free and have for over 10 years never had a virus.
avira free is one of the top free avast though I think you get an add to buy the full version. but I would never pay for antivirus no need to.
avast is at avira is
kapersky norton and mcaffee are all rated below the 2 mentioned.
there is also microsoft security essentials that has favorable ratings and it is free also.
Bought this computer 3 years ago. It had a free 90 day trial of Norton. When that ran out I got tired of being reminded that I needed to give them a credit card for more protection. So I deleted Norton. Haven't had any protection since.
I also DO NOT update Windows and I do not update Internet Explorer. I run an old copy of IE -version 7 with NO Flashplayer. I hate those flashing ads! If I want to see a video I C/P into Firefox.
If I get a virus I will buy the discs and format my HD.

I use Microsoft Security Essentials that you mentioned and it has worked out well for me.
Lou, we have a program put out by CA Technologies. Was recommended by our computer guy. It's not perfect, cause it did let a virus in and a bunch of malwear too. The computer was getting slow and the hard drive was running a lot so Marilyn called CA and for a fee they remotely cleaned the computer. It was kind of interesting watching the pointer move around and the screen changing by itself. I don't remember what the fee was but it was a two year thing. Her laptop had a virus too so CA was working on both machines at the same time. We sould sit and watch the screen and every so often he would ask us if we wanted to do this-or-that. We'd type in YES and he'd continue. I was impressed with their ability to clean it up but then I got to thinking "if their program would have caught this junk in the first place we wouldn't be paying them to clean it up now"! Jim
How does one know their computer has a virus? The annoying ones are obvious. But the truly dangerous ones are the keystroke loggers that will report your bank account numbers and passwords back to Russia while giving you no clue to their presence. If you insist on running Windows with no anti-virus, please don't conduct any financial transactions on your PC.

One safe alternative is to use a bootable Linux CD, such as Knoppix, when you want to do transactions online. Reboot off the CD, and you now have a known virus-free environment from which to conduct your business. When you're done you can reboot to Windows so you can play Leisure Suit Larry; any information in memory will be wiped out.
Rod, Any time I see something fishy - like your google search deal I do a system restore. Set the restore date to a week or so before you started noticing the problem.
Last summer I did catch something that sent out emails to everyone in my yahoo mail contacts list.
I deleted all my contacts. End of problem
[i:654c4848f0]If you insist on running Windows with no anti-virus, please don't conduct any financial transactions on your PC.[/i:654c4848f0]

I had Norton on my pc I guess, they keep sending me e-mails saying it expired. Im on dial-up, so very little chance of getting a virus. Im unproctected for now!
started using the comp 14 months ago, didn"t know much about viruses, have anti-virus from the phone co. that came with the package. learning more about these viruses etc, and the anti-virus you can get for your comp. i never open any thing that i didn"t responded to. c-list is the worst to get viruses from. so i don"t respond to much. never do any transactions on line. they can wait for my check./ never get past looking on c-list & ytmag to find sites that i could get a virus from.
I am using Norton Antivirus 2011 and the paid version of Malwarebytes Antimalware with excellent results. Avast's free version antivirus is also good. I would also recommend that you do all the Microsoft updates.
Thanks Jay,
Every year it seems they want more $$ and still have their annoying popups.Run this,check that,you may need this or that,but it will cost you extra,then when it's ready to expire,they double their popup effort.Gets very disturbing and annoying.Thanks for the reply,
Thanks Wisbaker for the tip,Called our local wallyworld,they have it on hand,so I think,it will be installed very soon,Walmart even beat out Office max for price,Thanks again,
Thanks Mark-B,
I don't do any banking online,but if I needed parts in the past for ordering,I used to use Credit Card,not anymore,but still I don't want to take a chance and give away anything or get a virus,as I said,it's been a while since I bought this computer,with all the bells and whistles,plus,and don't want to loose it for lack of a good security system.Plus Mcafee is getting to be such a hassle.Seems like they get paid to annoy me by the minute.Thanks again,
IMHO, if you don't go to areas of Al Gore's interweb where angels fear to tread or open unsolicited emails the chance of a virus attack is greatly diminished.

Where Do some of you guys who have all the problems go, ANYWAY???
I was told by a computer guru to install Avira antivirus (free), Microsoft Security Essentials (free), and Spybot Search and Destroy (also free).
I have been trouble fre for over a year now. The Avira and Microsoft update automatically and scan automatically while giving you the ability to scan whenever you like also. Spybot needs to be updated and the scan initiated by you. They all work well together and seem to cover for each other very well!
I have Microfoft internet explorer with AVG antivirus free edition 2011,CCleaner, plus I bought Advanced system optimiser registry cleaner which also scans for spyware. no problems. Avg will give a popup warning if a site is unsafe or susso.
Buy a MAC, you don't even need virus protection cause they don't get them. They are built to be online and in a network not adapted to do it. The operating system does not allow viruses access. Don't believe it ask the Geeks at Best Buy.
Jay, that is wishful thinking. A virus has no way of knowing if you're on dialup or not. The well-written ones are quite small and unobtrusive. If you open a trojan attachment, or click on the wrong URL, you will be infected. Whether or not you are aware of the infection is besides the point.
Get a MAC, best computer move I ever made, runs everything you need like just like windows applications and NO viruses ever.

I'll never go back to windows
Lou, a kid genius put Microsoft Security Essentials on my wife's laptop. Said it was the best. She visited an Italian magazine site and apparently there got the nastiest trojan worm I've ever seen.

Microsoft Security Essentials recognized the worm but didn't know what to do with it. Fortunately for me, she had updated her SUPERAntiSpyware the day before. We use it to delete tracking cookies. Works very well for that.

My search to learn what to do to get rid of the worm, that Microsoft Security Essentials was worthless for, led me to SUPERAntiSypware saying they would deal with it. OK, run the program. IT WORKED! Found and killed the worm, and 555 noxious files it had created overnight, weren't there 24 hrs before.

Impressed me. Not exactly protection, but it accomplished what we needed. Microsoft Security Essentials did not protect against the worm either, and did not clean up the computer.

SUPERAnti is a free download, obviouly I'm favorably impressed. Free version does not automatically update itself, but we do, to clean up cookies periodically.
I think on one of your replies you stated that you bought things on-line. Not sure. Here is what I look for up in the website box at the top of the screen. If you are buying from a website that is SECURE, it will have https//www, if you are buying from a website that is NOT SECURE, it will just have http//www in the box. I use Kaspersky and Spybot Search and Destroy.. JB
Buy a Mac. Been running them for a long, long time now, the only virus problems I've had to deal with are on my wife's peecee. The only way you're likely to get a virus on a Mac is if you're running Windows on the Mac under Fusion, or something similar to that. That's the downside of being able to run Windows on the Mac - you can get Windows viruses!
Yes... but this bugger disabled the system restore... or at least any restore points from before the infection. Just got the box back today. So far so good... but it was a tough virus to clean.


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