Favorite farm chores


Well-known Member
Well, everyone had some really "good" bad farm chores, so now lets hear your favorite farm chores. I think mine would have to be baleing hay, I dont mind it at all, mowing, tedding, rakeing and then baleing. Mowing pastures for the horses with my 6' howse brush hog is nice too. Sometimes just standing there watching the chickens scratch around, or the cows eating there hay, or the horses grazing just relaxes me, almost into a trance were you see something so simple from the way everyday life is today for us, you can feel the tension just leave. Dont mean to sound sappy! JayinNY
Shelling corn with the 9550. Don't get to very often since the wife runs the combine most of the time.
I like to get the soil ready to plant
I'm not sure what the favorite is...Baling is pretty good if the baler is working like it should and there is no rain in sight. I just finished feeding 10 round bales in the mud--that is not it for sure!
Here I though I was off my rocker, I can sit and watch the chickens peck the ground all day. On the rare ocassions I have time, that is. Plan to do plenty of it in my retirement. For now, running the grain cart is my favorite. Right behind is raking hay, and calving time.
Back in the 70's we seldom did a second cutting, but instead would put a set of sides on one of the hay wagons and do "greenfeed"--chopped haylage--on a couple of the fields that were heavy with alfalfa and too far away to turn the cows into. Can still smell that sweet smell as the silage "worked" for a few days as we fed it off that wagon, threw it down the haychute into a couple old feed carts and trundled it around for the cows. By that time of year (mid-late October or so) we often had a bit of snow here in northern NY, and it sure felt good to get your feet into that warm ensilage while you were pitching it down!
Feeding the cows. Thia A.M. the back yard was full of robins and red birds, blue birds starting to build back in the boxes, mocking birds singing, spring is in the air in northeast Mississippi.
Sounds funny maybe, but I also like to shake the apple trees in the pasture were the cows are so the apples would fall and they can eat them. Nothing like seeing a 1300lbs or bigger Hereford running after a tennis ball sized apple to eat it. They can get them with pin point accuracy. Maybe they should get paid A-Rods salery. LOL J
Pretty much liked plowing with a JD 4430 - Soundgard cab was QUIET and comfortable!

Next was running 6 row cultivator with 4020 PS - sure was a step up from the 880.

Hope me Oliver friends don't see me!
Second favorite is moldboard plowing, though I don't do that anymore. Favorite was baling and shelling corn in our neighborhood. Didn't especially like the work but the meals were the best. Jim
I would say mowing hay with 3 pt 7' mower and making those perfect square corners and ZERO hay left standing . Hate to see the neighbors fields with tufts on all the corners and stripped stems from going too fast and dull knives.
My favourite is moving cattle on pasture, usually once a day in the summer grazing season. Second would be combining (when it"s going well and mother nature is not being moody).
In the 50's was filling silo. Second was plowing working the snot out of that 1948 M Farmall. Now its feeding cow big bales since don't make little ones anymore.
Every body will say I am crazy but my favorite was milking the cows and seeing how much milk I could get them to produce. Just had one produce 31,000 pounds bing milked in a large dairy we just keep the dry cows and young cattle here,
How do you guys cut hay? I just go around and around to the center. My father in law says he makes 6 passes on the outside, then cuts up the middle and out, so he has straight runs. I would think there would be alot of time running the baler with no hay feeding into it, to get from one side of the field to the other side.?

Discing and making furrows are absolutely relaxing for me. There is nothing better then getting out there and just doing some real work.
I like chopping corn in the fall, and just about anything else on a tractor.

Kinda miss being home because I'd get to still drive a tractor every couple days in the winter. Been a long winter but I have gotten some seat time here & there due to taking straw out of another barn and blowing into our barn. Got a blower set up with a chute to the hopper from the barn and the spout off our old Fox chopper to blow it into the wagons. Dirty work but could be much worse.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Number one is running the combine. I like the feeling of ending a good growing year. Second would be plowing. Starting another crop on it way. I miss mold board plowing. I still do some every few years to rebuild my terraces.
Depositing the profit from the yearling sale,
and watching the new calf crop frolicking in the pasture with the sun shining and the birds singing.
My favorite was running a International self propelled combine (before cabs) in good wheat. Early on I wasn't old enough to drive a semi so I run the combine. At noon someone would go to a nearby store and get a pack of ham, some cheese and a carton of milk. I ate many of meals off the tailgate of a pickup. In the fall corn harvest it wasn't as much fun. Sometimes in November and December you couldn't dress warm enough.
It makes me happy that I know I have so much of my "fun stuff" in my barn, so when I secure things when all is said and done for the day, I just have this great feeling of appreciation.
I like it all when its all going well and theres no pressure with the weather. mostly probley the last day of planting when when you start to relax and let the time flow by. Harvest and haymaking are also good nothing like seeing the fruits of all your labour being stored away
Don't farm, just have a few sheep out in the back yard. Anything that gives me an excuse to play with a tractor is a Good Thing, so cleaning pens and working the compost heap is right up there.

When I was a kid on the farm, I loved haying for the same reason: An excuse to drive the tractor. My favorite smells were chopping green corn silage and combining wheat with Dad and his old AC Allcrop behind the SW-6.

Lambing is a mixed pleasure. Love it when everything goes well, hate it when I lose a lamb. Once all the lambs are on the ground and a week or two old, I love to just pull up a lawn chair and watch them running around, jumping and twisting just out of pure joy and aggravating the heck out their moms.
Hauling manure, cutting hay, and planting corn! Someone on here a while ago answered one of these, and I will have to agree with him as my favorite chore is to service the farm wife! LOL
Don't have a lot of experience--only plant food plots--but I like to plow. I like watching the ground turn over. I like the power of even a small tractor and implement.

My favorite tractor driving job is competing in ploughing matches. I start match ploughing in August and go through to the following April most weekends. I plough with a IH B250 tractor and a IH B12 2 furrow mounted plough. Just thought, i should have spelt it plowing and referd to the plow as 2 bottom and not furrows. MJ
I always liked cultivating corn--the third time over. Put that old JD H in 3rd and get going. First time over was one of my least favorite jobs-just idling along in 1st & took forever to get done. I also liked loading the wagon behind the hay baler.
(quoted from post at 07:34:02 03/13/11) It makes me happy that I know I have so much of my "fun stuff" in my barn, so when I secure things when all is said and done for the day, I just have this great feeling of appreciation.

Don't you just love that feeling of accomplishment?
At the time I totally hated having to cut the pigs. We only did this once a year yet farrowed 3 times a year. Had to hold any from a newborn up to 200lbs. Looking back on it I really did enjoy doing that. Got a heck of a work out and spent some quality time with a very good friend that I worked for. Another job I enjoyed was putting the hay bales in the barn. Would rather be up there than in any other process in the haying season.
lots of good stuff on here. id say mine would be raking or baling hay (even if its stacking) and after that id say running hay wagons down to the next field after unloading (drys off all the sweat!) next would be hauling manure.
I like feeding hay. It's the only time of the year that my cattle seem to like having me around.

I don't like it in much in March though. It's going to be in the 50s here this week. There will be mud!
Bush-Hog cutting the cotton stalks, the hot summer is gone, it's cool at night, no crop damaged if I wander off row, and the exhaust pipe is glowing red at the top. Paul in Mississippi
Plowing and fitting fields for planting. now most everyone uses no-till and chemicals...glad I'm not farming anymore.
Round and round til the middle. That's how you rake it and bale it. You are never wasting any turn around time in any of the operations that way. you are ALWAYS cutting , ALWAYS raking and ALWAYS running hay through the baler.Most that cut the other way are using either a pull behind mower or other type mower and will miss less hay doing it their way. With a 3pt mounted mower , you come to where your rear tire is right at the corner and crank off the wheel to the right and hit right brake hard and the bar will swing back away from the standing hay and turn a perfect 90 degree square corner with ZERO uncut tufts of hay left standing. Some of the fields now-a-days look like a drunk mowed them. Dull and going too fast the most likely culprits. Maybe a hung over driver or two also.

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