OT: Road Oddity #3(and last)

IA Leo

In the early 90's my coworker and I in the co. Taurus coming back to Cedar Falls, IA from a flour mill in Ontario Province, was waiting for a light on the divided higway I20 near the Kennedy Mall in Dubuque, IA. There was there a series of stop lights, each with left and right turn lanes and the through lanes generous in width. A woman in a minivan eases up between us and the guy on right, kocking his driver's mirror out of adjustment,then proceeded to run the red light and then as we followed her on the green, she did that again at the next light, this time tearing her mirror off and, I think the mirrors of both the vehicles she was squeezing between. She made it through that red light only to tee-bone an oncoming left-turner at the next red light.
We did not stop as there plenty of people running around the wreck that were witnesses. I would like to have heard why she did that, I cannot imagine doing something like that unless on drugs, prescribed or otherwise.
Wife and kids were in Lincoln, NE a few months ago. The two oldest kids have both a cell phone and a drivers license. As they came up to a red light, the driver next to them was texting on the cell phone. My wife proceeded to give the kids the sermon on why texting is bad while driving. The kids rolled their eyes because they had heard it a few times before.
The light turned green and everybody took off and continued until the next red light. There was a heck of a commotion next to my family as the texting driver from the previous red light had ran into the back end of a Cadillac Escalade that was now right beside my wife and kids. It was a hard enough hit that the texting driver lost a front wheel from the car.
That woke my kids up and I think they realized that maybe mom was right. (At least this time)
Sounds about par for Lincoln.

I was once in the right hand lane on East O Street in a line of cars waiting for a light to change. Another car slid past me in the left lane with his brakes locked up and rear-ended the car in front of him.
Earlier this week a gal ran into the side of a train at a crossing in Saginaw Mi. Her excuse to the cops was "she was talking on her cell phone and didn't see the train"
Reminds me of a stupid neighbor I had before. If he got up a few minutes late, he would drive across the common areas and down the sidewalk (scattering pedestrians and running over small trees - busted his trans oil pan once) to bypass the 3 or 4 cars sitting at the stop sign at the end of our street.
One year it snowed and the end of our street was icy. The last 40 feet sloped downhill to the stop sign. Everyone (else) had worked it out. We would pull down to the stop sign one at a time and time it to slide thru in the gaps in the traffic on the main road.
I was sliding down the hill when sure enough, here he comes along in his van down the sidewalk to the right. We passed the stop sign and the median strip side by side. He then cut me off hard - he wanted the left lane on the main road. I bumped his left rear bumper with my left front and spun him around 3 times on the ice..
When he got home he was complaining about bad drivers, one of his shelves tipped over in the van dumping everything on the floor.

Dont ever remember him doing it again though..
I would not use a cell phone while driving. I think that they should be outlawed while driving, or at least while the engine is running be disabled. I have had so many close calls with drivers on their cell phone. One just about hit me today ran a red light rigth in front of me. I carried one for 10 years on the job because I had to, since retireing do not carrie one but keep one in the truck in case of emergency. I don't need it as I am a HAM and can use 2 mtr radio to call 911 with a lot better corverage.
I have been known to lay on the horn of my car when I see someone along side of me on their phone, sure gets their attention.
I think that the main problem with people using their cell phones while driving is that they're to stupid to multitask. I saw some guy reading a book while driving the other day! Freakin rediculous!
I'm not sure why some people can't talk and drive. I can talk on a phone just like talking to a passenger but I can't dial or text. Its just impossible to focus on the road and refocus to type!

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