O/T You can't make this stuff up...........


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A man walked into a Burger King in Omaha this noon and acted kinda strange. A Burger King employee ran to the back.

An on duty, plain clothes police officer who was eating lunch got up, walked over the the guy, and asked him if he was robbing the place.

The man replied, "Yes", so the officer ordered him to the floor at gunpoint and it was basically all over.
Years ago I worked for a bank and there were lots of "dumb bank robber" stories.

Robber pulls up to drive through and sends teller a bag with a note that there is a bomb in the bag and send him all her money. Teller sends him back the "bomb" with a note "blow yourself up" and locks the system down so the tube stays at robber's car.

Robber pulls into the drive through and sends the teller a note that this is a hold up. Teller sends the robber a note that she doesn't have her money yet and he needs to go to the main bank. Robber drives around to the main bank. Teller is on the phone warning the bank manager. Bank manager gets all employees out the back door and locks the door. When bank robber walks in the front door, manager comes around behind him and locks bank robber in the bank.
Nancy, I love those stories.

Our daughter once had an entire book about botched bank robberies.

One was about a bank robber who spent 15 minutes yanking on a bank door to try to open it, and swearing because the bank employees were laughing at him. He finally gave up and left. A sign on the door clearly said "Push".

Another guy walked into a Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas intending to rob it. He didn't realize a Federal Reserve Bank had no tellers. When he couldn't find a teller to give his hold up note to, he got confused and handed the note to an armed security officer.

Another guy handed a teller a hold up note--written on the back of one of his own deposit slips.

And the beat goes on. Most of these guys aren't exactly rocket scientists.
Old story from Chicago: Couple of street hoods decide to rob bar, step inside and pull out pistols, fire a shot in roof and anounce holdup to scare customers. Bar Patrons and bartender pull their pistols and point them at robbers, announce they are under arrest for stupidity, possible obstruction of police officer- logical since most of the patrons were police officers. Robbers cuffed and put on floor for couple hours while officers discuss who would take them in and fill out paperwork or should they just shoot them? Dennis Farina -Chicago cop- was tech consultant on Chuck Norris movie and told story, the incident was written into movie with slight editing of language. RN.
Many years ago was sitting in a bar that a friend owned on the very near west side of Chicago, with a precinct a block away at most. The newest graduating class of their PD accademy just graduated that day, and it was about midnight and most of the class was in there getting hammered. One of the officers goes out into the parking lot and fires his .45 up into the air a couple of times and comes back in. A few minutes later the whole bar gets raided by that precinct and they want to know who fired it off. Naturally eveyone shrugs and says in drunken stupors, "Not me". Them guys were not palying even though they were their own. They started with strip searches cause they were mad, mad, mad, and then finally someone gave it up. I don't recall what happened to whoever it was.

Another time way on the far north westside, I stop into by buddy's tavern, and there's one of my neighbors, all tanked up, and a he was Chicago copper. My block was the last one on the edge of the suburbs and firemen and coppers had to live in the city limits, so every other house was a copper or fireman with civilians like me peppered in. Anyway, my neighbor is so hammered that he can barely sit on the stool and he showing my bar owner friend his nickle plated .45, and it was loaded, and he dropped that thing on the floor about a half dozen times at least. Never did go off thank god. Man people were ducking.

Back in the early '80's while stationed in Mannheim Germany when the "Big Mac Attack" was just getting popular, one of my buddies went into a McDonalds, hammered, and layed down on the floor and started convulsing. After a few minutes of that and calling an ambulance, he got on his feet and admitted to having a "Big Mac Attack", and the German Polezi did not take kindly to that. He got roughed up all the way out into the car in cuffs. He got an Article 15 from the Army too for being AWOL while he was locked up downtown Mannhiem.

I don't think it was a bank but on the stupid criminals show a guy held up up a place and in his rush to get out, dropped his wallet with his photo ID. Another guy robbed a place that a double set of entry doors(might have been a bank). The doors could be locked remotely and the guy was pleading with the employees to let him out because he was claustrophobic. Dave
Read a story about a guy in NY who walked into a shop and went right up to the counter and shouted this is a hold-up. he heard a noise behind him and turned around to find thirty uniformed police officers with guns drawn. he had failed to take into consideration that he was holding up a donut shop, directly across the street from a precinct, and that it was a few minutes past shift change.
I love the stories about people who are trying to rob a bank, but can't even take the initiative to get out of their car to do it.
Same basic thing happened in Rochester, NY a few years back. Memo to dumb crooks: when you rob a bar, DON'T choose the local cop hangout! The feller went out feet-first with about 20 holes in him and a bad case of rigor mortis.
(quoted from post at 13:35:22 02/17/11) Read a story about a guy in NY who walked into a shop and went right up to the counter and shouted this is a hold-up. he heard a noise behind him and turned around to find thirty uniformed police officers with guns drawn. he had failed to take into consideration that he was holding up a donut shop, directly across the street from a precinct, and that it was a few minutes past shift change.

I don't believe this one. Sounds made up.
I remember a newspaper article about a funeral for a police officer in New Jersey where about 800 police officers attended. There were at least 300 marked police cars in the procession just as some guy tried to carjack someone. There were so many cops on top of him that it looked like an NFL pile up.
about 15 years ago 3 dudes robbed the bank here in orangeville.
they drove around the bank about 3 times before parking their car.
it was a slow day at the day so the bank president was watching these 3 out the window the last time he wrote down their licence plate number. he"s thinking what are these guys up to?
as i said it was slow day at the bank so they had their choice of parking places.
after robbing the bank they headed south out of town instead of heading north to wis.
they got to next town south of orangeville where town cop pulled them over for speeding.
he called in plate number and was told keep them there they just robbed the bank in orangeville
Am I ever glad I read your post because it was funny and it reminded me of another bank robbery. This one happened at a small branch of larger bank that was located in a semi-rural area. Man drove up in a beat up old car and came into the bank and demanded all the cash they had to be put into a brown paper bag he was carrying. They obliged and he threw the bag in the back seat of his car and took off. A little while later, on a nearby Interstate Highway, a State Trooper saw a fast moving old beat up car go by with something flying out from underneath it. He followed the car and saw it was paper money coming from beneath the car. He turned on the red lights and pulled the car over just as the dispatcher told him that a car with that description and plate number had been involved in a bank robbery. It turned out that the guy's floorboards were all rusted out and the money he'd stolen fell out of the bag and went through the holes in the floor of his car. Pretty funny. The guy didn't even make it five miles down the road.

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