My Father's passing


Our beloved father and grandfather, Jan François de Bonte, passed away on Monday, February 14, 2011, aged 89.
My Dad led a long and blessed life. He was a lifelong farmer and always loved Belgian draft horses over tractors. He said that horses have a will, while tractors don't.
Over the past years and months he gradually lost some of his mental abilities. Since March of last year he was in a nursing home. He was extremely well cared for, but he never felt at home there. He died after a brief spell of pneumonia.
We cite from the Bible, the book of Ecclesiastes (or: The Preacher), chapter 12, verse 5, this part: "...because man goeth to his long home..."
Please, remember us in your prayers. Hendrik
Sorry for your loss. It always hurts to loose your parents and seems they are still around just not able to see them.

From my house to yours our prayers go out to you and yours;
I my DAD and mother pasted away three years ago
My DAD past away on monday and my mother pasted away on thursday that same week.
That was a blow to every one in the family.
So keep your chin up and keep looking foward.
Thinking of you and your family. Just a bit over a year ago I lost my father at 85. I do know how you feel. God Bless...
My Dad has been dead for 20 yrs. now. Died at the age of 72. For maybe the first 10 yrs. I thought of him every day. You will too and that is a good thing. He may be gone but the memories live on and on. You have my sympathy.
Keeping you and your family in our prayers. It was 3 years ago I said good bye to both of my parents. Not an easy thing to do. Just keep looking up.

Sometimes we don't understand the magnitude of the Love of Our God , but we have enough Faith in His word. to have enough ability to trust Him.

Prayers sent for comfort for the family left behind,

As long as anyone can remember Jan His spirit will live on earth. when there is no one left to remember him all will be at his side.
Having lost both of my parents, I understand the loss you are feeling. The Good Lord has your father hitching up some horses as you read this. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Leo & Denise Alberts
My condolences to you and yours. And remember that from time to time, out of the blue you will feel warmth spread across your cheeks as he touches you, or a ringing in your ear as he calls out to you, so just smile and say "Yeah Dad, I remember...".

My condolences to you and family.

I attended graveside services today for an 87 year old cousin. Maybe she can keep him company until other relatives get there.
lost my dad last August 2010 (93) died in his own home. this is kinda strange timing part died on my anniversary and buried on brothers birthday. just take it one day at time and remember the times you had good or bad. you will be fine but there will be times when out of the blue it will hit ya. To me in some cases it is a blessing. I have lost 5 close friends also in the last year and half. One was 3 days before my father died. I don't know if this will help you or not but i look at it like this,the sun will still rise tomorrow,somedays you may not see it much but its still there,just like the memories of your father is. Nobody can take that away.
Sorry for the loss of your father.

Keep the memories of him close; you never know when something will "spark" them.

Share your memories with those who loved him.

My father passed away at age 87 in 2007.

Still visualize him and my grandfather at their favorite spots on our farm.
Dear Hendrik,

My condolences unto you and your family, as I too lost my dad last Dec. he was also 89 and he too loved Belgian hourses, he had a team > Phyllis and Kate both mares, he farmed all his life too, and I am sure if he got a chance to know your father while he was alive they would of no doubt been good friends.

At his funeral in Mn. there were only 4 paulbears > his 4 sons and as some has said here I do think of him daily and I am glad I do.

Sorry for Your Loss,.. If You have the oppurtunity to give Eulogy,,Do it , it will be most healing .. Even if you feel you are not Worthy ,,Ask in prayer for GODSs help , it worked for us.. With Gods help I wrote Dads ,Dad lived the Life God gave me the words and the paper captured and gave it ,,it was an Amazing fullfilling RELEASE of Love.. Eulogy for Dad is over in YOUR Stories about 50 stories down ..
Thank you all for your prayers, kind words and support.
Yesterday evening we had visitation. Today was Dad's funeral and our local pastor officiated. Many relatives, among whom my Dad's 91 year old sister, and many people from our village attended. Together, we were comforted.
May our hope be in the Lord.

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