Grinding corn and oats today. pic


Well-known Member
Helped my friend grind up corn and oats today. Wasent to cold out, I will post more pics.

I like that barn in the background. High school friend's dad had one like that We had some good basketball games there on Sunday afternoons. Early season games were with only one goal but as the hay was used up, we had enough room for two baskets.

Playing basketball in the hay mow sure brings back memories. We spent a lot of time doing that! In the winter my dad transformed most of the shop in our Case Dealership to building rafters for barns like that. Spent a lot of time doing that also! That barn in the pic. has "RILLCO" laminated rafters. My dad built a very simular shapped rafter which was made from hemlock 1"Xs, 8"+4" that were nailed and bolted together. His came to more of a point at the peak than those in the pic.
Gene ; how many barn dances do you remember going to in the spring after the hay mows were nearing empty? We (my wife and I and friends) had a lot of fun chasing a local country band to fire houses and farms on Sat. nights when I was younger. I really miss Ernie Kane and the Valley Ramblers. The ET building at the Fonda Fairgrounds is named after him. Thanks for bringing back some good memories. Loren the Acg.
I think Jims barn has metal roof trusses, or beams, I just threw hay down the other day, and Im sure there all steel. I'll have to look again tomarrow. J

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