Don't wanna do this


Well-known Member
Gotta go to two different funeral homes today for visitations. A good friend and local mechanic,same age as my younger brother died of cancer and my dads cousins daughter passed away too. Hadn't been thinking much about it,but when the wife said she'd better make sure we had something to wear,it felt like somebody sat right on my chest. This gets real old real quick.
Seems like I used to socialize with everybody at weddings,now it's funerals.
I hear ya rr, Now at my age, 56, the tide has turned. Older, and younger neighbors, along with the dairy farms are leaving this part of the world. Do you ever get back to Tecumseh, MO? Burnsy
Yep. A week ago Sunday I was thinking of going to an older/retired/stroke victim/neighbor/farmer's funeral. He was the same age as my long departed father. Sixth generation farmer here, as I am. I didn't know him all that well.
It turned out with the weather that Sun. was the day to plow out and load the truck with corn for Mon. morning.
It didn't take much to talk myself out of going to that one.
No. We had friends down that way that we used to go see a lot,but that was another one. She passed away two years ago of cancer and he moved back up here. Sure do miss it down there. Among the most beautiful places in the world.
my grandfather useta tell me you know yer gettin old when you go to more funerals than birthday parties...i aint been to a birthday party in years...wish i could say that about funerals.
sorry about your losses.
Sorry for your loss. I have attended too many funerals as of late also. Close friends,family members,Legion buddies. It gets down right depressing. One of my best friends burned to death in a trailer fire three weeks ago. Her husband got 2nd degree burns trying to save her. They were hurting for money,out of work and heating with a kerosene heater that probably caused the fire. It's all sad and no explanation can make it better. I just pray the Good Lord took her quickly.
Lots of funerals for me to in the last year or so.

Wives Grandfather, he was 92 so that was expected.

One of the wives friends husband died of Bile duct cancer. He was 41 with a 2 year old girl and a 5 year old boy.....Horrible.

Lost my moms parents in Summer of 2009, they were both 88, kinda expected.

Old timer that I worked with 15 years ago died last May, I didnt get to say goodbye. he was 73.

A good friend of mine his BIL died of a massive sudden heart attack 6 months ago while jogging. He was in great shape, so I was told. He was 45.
I found out about one the other night that was kind of a shocker too. I'd never advertised it much because I've been married for going on 32 years,but I was married before for just a couple of years in the early 70s. She ran off,I filed for divorce and custody of our daughter and got her alright. She went on and had two or three more kids with as many other guys. Lost touch entirely after the daughter graduated high school.
My grand daughter found one of the womans other daughters on Facebook the other night and she was telling her that her mother died last May of cancer. My daughter called and told me about it. She wasn't happy AT ALL that nobody had ever told her that her real mother died. It was quite the shocker to find out that she'd passed away,especially when it was that long ago.
Wow, thats does suck for your Daughter.

I was told at the one former co-worker funeral that another guy that used to work there over dosed on an illegal drug and died. His name was Ken, he sat right across from me in an electronics lab. He died in Dec. 2007. Real nice guy, but serious substance abuse problems. Real Sad.
Starting last Jan 15,up to now ,between the wife and I , we ve had 19 friends or acquaintances pass . It has been a bad time for us , but we are in our 70 s so I guess this is expected. clint
Had an old family friend tell me you don't want to wait until you visit old friends and relatives in the cemetary. He's gone now and I miss him. CT

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