No sleep since 3 AM

Well our streets are going to be Seal Coated tomorrow so at about 3 AM the big dump trucks started hauling in and dumping what I call Pea Gravel,they call it 1.4" gravel and dumping it on a back unused street to stock pile for the operation. Now it is 8 AM and they have stopped hauling.what's the deal? Why couldn't they have started at least at 6AM when most people are starting to wake up instead of being a bother for half the night? I know the reason but just thought I would mention our warm weather bothers to every one else who is snowed in or bothered by snow today including my daughter in Mt.Zion Ill.Tomorrow is another day and we will get to watch the crew seal coating our street as we can't drive on it for at least 8 hours. So much for life in Arizona. What's going on in your neighbor hood? Oh,I have to dust off my tractors in the shop today,they are all 1/16th scale mostly Ertls,some spec cast. Keeping it Tractor related. JH
I used to work for a seal coating outfit,and we never hauled in rock at three in the morning. Also when we sprayed the oil and spread the chips down you could drive on it right away. The only reason that I can see to not let anyone drive on it for 8 hrs. is because most folks want to turn the steering wheel when the car is not moving and that will tear up fresh sealcoating. We were always told to never turn the steering wheel unless the car or truck was moving. Bob
Funny you should mention road construction in Az.

I traveled from Las Vegas to Scottsdale about 3 weeks ago. A trip each way, 3 days apart. They have the goofiest ways of road construction in your state.

They would have a lane closed when they were not even working on it with the speed reduced to 55 mph. No construction guys around anywhere and hadn"t been for days.Not just one spot but about 3 or 4 spots between the two cities.

Here in Iowa if they are not out there working the cones come down and the speed goes back up. Next day they put the cones out again.

Not knocking your state but it sure got boring traveling at 55 on flat open highways for miles at a time.

I live in AZ and have seen their goofy road construction all my life.They will reduce speed for 15 miles while working on 2 miles of road. AND leave the reduced speed limits up all weekend when no one is working. Frustrating to say the least.
I know what you mean about spreading the rock over the oil. What they are going to use here is called slurry seal and they mix the rocks with the slurry and I don't know if the slurry is oil or not. seems that water will wash it off your wheels and car body ,but I may be describing another type of road coating.Jh
Well I guess in Arizona it isn't a matter of freeing up the trucks for snow plowing duty or sand and salt spreading duty, so I can't answer your question.

Yes, snow here today. Six inches on the ground and the heavy snowfall has changed from large flakes/clumps to fine blowing snow. Forecast is for 6-11 inches of it. Lots of wind and single digit temperatures. Enjoy your noise. lol
I never worked with the slurry seal but I have heard of it. I understand that it is a mixture of rock oil sand and cement, but don't quote me on that. Bob
We were fortunate enough to run into some of that Arizona road construction when we were there 2 years ago. The highlight of the 30 minutes of stop and go traffic was the 1 inch chunk of concrete that smashed the windshield of our rental car and sprayed us all with glass shards.
Knock it all you want,I'm from Kentucky and Illinois in that order. Retirement away from snow and ice and all the attachments prompted the Arizona move. The only native Arizonians I know are my barber and my grand daughter and they can't help it.Their parents came here from some where else just like we did.JH
Well so far I have pick up Mr Harmon certainly knows his old IH trucks. I was really wondering about seal coating in cold weather but since you are somewhere in Arizona guess it will work. And last of all interesting coment you made about model tractors. Over my life I have gained somewhere over 250 most being serial number or semi collector models.. How is the weather in Arizona tonight. Plan on flying in to camelback there in Phonix about the end of the month. Snow on the ground 23 deg and expecting more tomorow in TN.
It sounds like you may be talking about what we call chip seal. The sealer is put down and the chips are spread over the sealer in a non stop operation. The only thing the chips are for is to prevent the sealer from being picked up by tires and to provide traction. Sealer by it's self is very slippery. The chips are set in the sealer with rubber tired or rubber drum rollers going in one direction only, never backing up. In general a pace car is used to limit traffic speeds during the process and when the job is done the road is power broomed to remove excess stone.
The stone may have been hauled in so they are sure not to run out in the middle of the process, and also possible to make sure the stone is dry.

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