Equipment auctions this winter


Well-known Member
Are there any sales go'n on in other parts of the world this winter? There have been a few consignment sales go'n up on the calender around here and a few fert/spray joints go'n out of buisness sales but that has been it. First time I have ever seen more land sales in a winter than equipment sales.
Lot's of land sales and few equipment sales here in the Ia. Mo. IL. area. Land sales really good, highest I've heard is $10,800./A.
Nothin' here in Southern MN. The deep snow mighta slowed down having them Jan/Feb maybe; but they would be planning and announcing the March & April ones, and there is nothing. None.

Fair number of land sales. Going rate has gotten up to $6500 now, so I suspect if you want to cash in some land, now's the time. In the 1970's leading to th 1980's crash, land topped out at $2400-2800.....

Farm equipment Consignment auctions
Schaller Auctions Feb. 26 at Waterloo, IL.
Canning Auctions march 5 at Murphsboro, Il.
Riechmann Bros. Auction March 19 at Okawville, IL.
All 3 are in the St. Louis area
Thats the way it is here, lots and lots of land sales but no close by close out/estate iron sales. While I do not know of any land go'n that high around there was about 100 acres of fair pastur ground up the road that sold for a little north of $6,000 and acre. Right next to town and between the homested of two old farm'n families.
Went to the first sale of the spring sat. It was a estate sale , no equipment but alot of tools ,some guns and alot of fishing equipment . We went just to get out of the house but everybody in 2 countys had the same idea . Could nt see what was going on , stayed around a few hours then a few of us went and had lunch , we did get out of the house . The equipment sales start first sat. in march . Lot of people looking for a place to sit sat.{including me}and there was nt anywhere . Lots wagons and tires to sit on at the equip. sales

You might want to subscribe to a publication called The Farmer's Exchange. It's a free pub that comes once a month that contains all kinds of ads for stuff for sale including lots of equipment auctions. I think it's a regional thing, I get ads for stuff in the Southeastern US.

You can sign up for it at Be sure to include the word "the" in the URL. Otherwise it'll take you to the wrong place.

Good luck,

Tom in TN
Go to, and plug in your zip code, and the radius you feel like driving. Then plug farm or agricultural, into the search engine. I stopped going to most consignment sales, or sales with a buyers penalty. I much prefer an estate sale, where I am bidding against the local tractor jockeys, not the big ego dealers, who bring their wore out crap to consignment sales!
I do, there ain't none to speak of. Only close out type sales so far this winter have been a few custom spray/fert joints. Only equipment sales on the calender are consignment sales.
Now that's a big ol' honk'n sale!!

Only two times I know of Schrader come'n around here was for 11,000 acres a few years ago and then this past fall for 4,000 acres of bottom ground.

That must have been a heck of an operation to need 3 setters, 3 balers, and a fleet of nice pickups.

I guess there's more sales around the northeast, cause there's more people. Have you tried They are connected to Fastline, I think, new site startup.

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