spring is almost here...


Well-known Member
Saw flies and honeybees today, some stuff is budding, and a couple neighbor ladies came back from a walk carrying a bunch of pussywillow.

Should be below zero for more days of this week than not.

Ain't nothing budding or buzzing around these parts. :)

Last time I rembember it doing this we had snow in April........ Horses are starting to shed a little too and one of the empty mares is starting her heat cycle. Pastures are starting to green up also.
Dave .The saying goes,"IN spring, a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love. "guess that goes for horses too. Sure am weary of the cold and snow(which we have plenty of)and in April we get another short blast of the stuff. Any way be greatfull for the bees and things in February. Was wondering if you or the Mrs will be taking photos of the tractors this year?When your out and about, (with your camera) amd have time, We would appreciate photos of your set up and the country side you travel on .I get to travel there at your expense as it were. Regards .LOU,

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