sons birthday

We have 5 boys over for a sleep over tonight for my sons 7th birthday party. Wow my house is WAY to load and crazy! I think there is something in my garage that need worked on tonight if ya catch my drift! But my wife disagrees! lol
My son turns 23 in 10 days. Last "sleep over" he had here nearly cost him his happy home! Enjoy them while you can, they grow up too fast!
I remember those days I had four girls all close in age. I spent many Friday and Saturday nights in the garage.Enjoy it they do grow up to quick.
mine are 38,36,35,and 27 Son is 31
Enjoy it. My house is much too quite now that the kids are gone. I volunteer to watch the grand kids just to see the place alive again.
My oldest son's b-day (6th) is tomorrow, but we
celebrated today... can't POSSIBLY have a b-day
party on the same day as the Packer's Super Bowl
game. "Just" him, his 2-y/o brother, 3-y/o cousin,
and two somewhat older girl cousins (and about 15
adults)... It was LOUD here today too. Good times!
Put a half dose of Nyquil in that apple juice and they will say .........Gee..........I........Feel.....Sleepy..........Zonk
My sons 12 birthday is Monday and we celebrated today as well. We took him and two of his friends out for pizza and a movie. None of his friends could spend the night so we will plan that another weekend.
Out twin boys just had their 23rd. They are both home and trying to get careers going. I hope all you guys are as proud of your kids as I am. I don't care what they do as long as they can make a life for themselves.

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