blind leading the blind?????


Well-known Member
Just had a lady in the office to fax something. She is the head of the drug and alcohol counseling folks for our community. I never saw a person that looked more like an addict....... Skinny, older than her age, red face, fingernails chewed off........... Had her two kids with her and they didn't seem to be wrapped too tight either...........

Mebby she seen the light and tries to help others kick the habit.

Usually a banged up tractor don't get better looking by just washing it.
Those with experience are usually the most qualified to give the best advice. I would not want a 10 year old to tell me how to weld cast iron.

She's a real nice lady... Got here about a year ago and puts in a lot of hours. Couple nights after I first met her, she was at the all night gas station/convenience store and picked up a half gallon of Jim Beam about 3 in the morning. Can't be all that bad.

The best person to do a job like that is one that has been there done that and then got back on there feet. Most that have BTDT and stay clean are the ones that look they have been to H-ll and back again because they have been but they also know what it takes to get the sick one back on track and they will not pu$$y foot around doing so
Saw an old bloke in a transport depot, few years ago, in dirty greasy overalls pitchin in, turned out he was the owner and a millionaire,
Best not to judge a book by it's cover.
I had aa friend who became a Doctor. Got caught
perscribing himself painkillers...addicted,
they dried him out...hasn't been allowed to write
prescriptions since, but is now in charge of
substance abuse counsling.

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